Purple Aster?


5 year old buck +
I don't remember ever seeing it it here but since starting habitat work I started noticing things that I didn't before. Is this purple aster, New England aster?

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Yes, that's it.
It kind of looks like golden rod before the purple flowers start showing, any wildlife value other than an attractant for bees?

It kind of looks like golden rod before the purple flowers start showing, any wildlife value other than an attractant for bees?


Yes, many other insects use the plant. Turkey will eat the seed and leaves. Rabbits and deer will browse the plant to some extent. I would call it a medium browse preference plant for deer but not high. However, you know how that varies by areas of the country.
Yes, many other insects use the plant. Turkey will eat the seed and leaves. Rabbits and deer will browse the plant to some extent. I would call it a medium browse preference plant for deer but not high. However, you know how that varies by areas of the country.

Noticed this Aster while moving a camera today, and had another admirer show up while fishing my phone out for a pic! Seems like a great late summer/early fall pollinator resource, as most others have faded.

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Noticed this Aster while moving a camera today, and had another admirer show up while fishing my phone out for a pic! Seems like a great late summer/early fall pollinator resource, as most others have faded.

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The day I snapped my pics there where bees all over the asters and goldenrod.