Prairie Pit-Stop

Your apple tree isn't girdled all the way through the cambium layer, try hitting it heavy with TreeKote and see if it buds for before replacing it.

Nice sheds!
Don't want to be debbie downer but a girdled tree over the winter has still put enough energy into buds that it can blossom and throw some leaves this summer. True test will be how does it look late summer. Same thing happened to me on a heavy snow year about 5 yrs ago on a nothing special crab apple but it had already made 5 or 6 years and was growing 1/2" crabs. No doubt in my mind that was a goner with how complete the girdle was but was really surprised it still had a lot of blossoms that spring. Story did not have a happy ending however.
Guess whos going rabbit hunting next year.


Poor cherry tree

Gunna have to improvise next year. Thinking another level of screen, and a chyanne pepper dusting after the paint is applied. This is #3 this spring. Starting to add up $$ wise with original plus replacment costs and time involved.

Thought id join the cool kids table an do some hinge cutting


Dont have many trees im willing to take the saw to. Just take to dang long to get the buggers going. But do have high hopes for this project site, dropped around 8 siberian elms. Will do it in stages over the next couple of years.

Hoping someone with a little more experience can confirm my thoughts on the next pic.


Believe it is a turkeys roost tree, this would be a first for our property. Spotted a tom last yr twice using the ground, that was a suprise, wasnt sure at first what i was seeing.
Feathers look like they are from coopers or sharp shinned hawk. I would say it was winter kill and something ate it.
Quick update on yesterday's adventure.
Beautifull day out an about in gods creation.
Except for the darn rabbits.
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Know he is probably a gonner, but this one hurts. Any of the apple experts think he might make it?? Maybe the bastered didnt strip the bark deep enough?? Know its just wishfull thinking. This was my sole prairie magic. On 3rd leaf. He had potiental, was throwing crazy #s of apples from the start.
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Pruned him anyway just in case. Current plan is to replace with a liberty this spring unless anyone thinks I should give him a chance. The trunk looks like that all the way around.

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Only good part about the snow pack, was able to prune the tops of my largest apple trees without a ladder, ha.

Was able to get 56 done, will have to come back for 2. This is the other one.
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Cheked out the brassica plot and was pleasantly surprised. They have been digging like mad, still finding some green matter under there.

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Frost seeded all the orchards.
Hope it works out, but dont have high expectations.

An finally, for all the work, the rewards.
Didnt go out of my way to look.
Stumbled on most of them moving from orchard to orchard.

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Two match sets an some odd balls.
Not to bad considering the amount of snow left on the ground.

Will end with a landscape shot.
Wish you could of seen it. Felt like I was in the remote wild.
Pic dosnt do justice, trees in the background are over 25ft tall.
Didnt feel like hoffing it over there with the snowshoes. Was already exhausted. Ha
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If you can get a bud to sprout under the window screen, just cut the tree off above that. Your root system is in place and you will get fast growth. I did that with a Snowsweet last spring.

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Devastation on the prairie...
Today was a direct kick to the balls.
Lost 3 all winter till this last snow storm.
Not sure what I did to piss off the rabbit devil.
But I will get my revenge.
Lost a whole 1st leaf orchard.
Plan is to forge ahead and replant.
This time I will be wrapping the whole cage in window screen along with the tree.

That along with going elmer fudd on their furry ass.

And to think. I felt bad when I trapped a couple accidentally last spring.

Ouch! Feel bad for ya. Seems like we should heed the warnings that you and other unfortunate growers here displayed this winter, and raise the height of our window screens as high as possible. My last two rolls I bought were 36". Anything I have that's shorter I'm going to replace. Good luck... you'll bounce back!
Man that sucks!!!

This winter the ice was so bad they were eating red cedar bark at my place. I’ve never seen that before.
That was the plan Mort, use 36, but these guys arrived a little on the short side. So had to fold them back a bit an make due.

During spring pruning noticed the snow pack pulled most of the screens down considerably. In hindsite was pumped I had only lost one, didnt know one last hellashish snowstorm was about to make me look like a fool.

Learned a valuable lesson today.
As a habitat nutcase.
I plant everything with the grandiose idea of the end picture.
Realizing now I am going to deal with weird an unplanned curveballs.
And to never expect the end picture to represent my intial ideals.

Edit: Forgot to add, WR is up. Dosnt look like much but it is moon cratered with tracks, am sure they r keeping it mowed short. For which I am happy.
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One thing I've learned that works for me personally in the short time I've been throwing money into the habitat game is to over plant about everything. It never seems to turn out the way planned for one reason or another and I can always thin stuff out if things would by miracle go as dreamed.
I might have some extra apple and pear this fall if your interested I could send you bare root once they go dormant, I grafted way more than I can use last week if they take well.

Also have dog will travel to help you with your bunny situation!
For most of us it seems,
It has been a trying spring.

Relieved to be through planting season.
34 fruit trees and around 250 various oaks, cedar, willow. Lot of holes to dig with a shovel in sod.

But for efforts the rewards.

Third leaf mac's are throwing their first blossoms.

Third leaf haralsons r throwing crazy for their first go round.

Prairie fire has rebounded nicely, love the red tones.

20190529_123812.jpg First leaf dolgo looks to have crazy potential.

Oldest apple on the farm is loving his second haircut.

Finally the clover plot is starting to fill in decently, was concerned for awhile, just needed a bit of heat to get going. Deer were keeping it mowed like a putting green.

Time to start summer projects.
Need to move a waterhole.
Mulch last years elderberry planting.
Hang a new stand site real soon. Seems early, but want to be in and out of this spot and not step back in till about oct 24.
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Wow they look great!
TBT - Nice work !! Trees look good. Clover's coming along too. Critters are gonna like all of it.
Your fruit trees are blossoming out perfect! It didn't go nearly that well here with all the rain and cool weather.
Do you have much cedar apple rust?

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Yeah, cedar is my primary woody species.
Have 3 row 1/2 mile screens bordering three sides. Some years are worse than others. Hot and wet in ealry June an it really pops.
Playing in the orchard is not all fun and games...
Concrete remesh has a mind of its own sometimes.
Damn. Probably rec'd to get a tetanus shot if it's been a while. I can definitely see how that happens.
Hope all is ok.