POLL Most used piece of tractor equipment

Most used tractor attachment/implement

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5 year old buck +
I'm very curious on which piece of equipment you find your self using most with your tractor. I know a loader will hit the top of the list but it's included anyway. Since it is limited to how many selections there are I put in what I thought would be most popular. You can vote for more than one.

For myself since I haven't taken delivery yet of my tractor so my response is from rentals I have had over the past 3 years. It would be a loader and box blade.

If anyone has something that you feel would be a better fit in the poll let me know and I can remove the one with the lowest votes.
Mine is a digger/cultivator.
LOADER - it's handier than a pocket on a shirt!

My tractor is my ATV/UTV so I use the bucket like a carry-all or trunk, I put all sorts of things in it from seed and fertilizer, to harvsted deer, to chains, straps and my chainsaw gear, my stands, you name it.

Brush cutter comes right after that on my place.

It all boils down to what you need to accomplish with your machine. You will collect all sorts of things to go on it. If I recall Foggy has quite a list! I have 2 discs, plow,sprayer,planter,spreader,blade and have used a tiller and box grader. The versatiltiy of a 3 point hitch is nearly limitless -only limited by the size of you tractor!
I've got all of those implements....but not a rear blade. The most used are loader with a grapple on the front (almost never put my bucket on), then a rotary cutter, then a tiller. I could "live" with just those items if need be. For me a box blade is a compact ballast box (I hang about 500 lbs of cast weight on mine)....but it gets used for it's purpose at times....just like all the others.
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Rototiller is what we use the most on our tactor. We spray, seed and spread fertilizer with the quad.