How does this relate in the food plotters world? I understand the theory of no till and regenerative farmer but that is on economic scale. I care about attracting and feeding wildlife. On my place I planted about 5 plots for 7 acres this fall. The two I tilled turned out exponentially better than others which where sprayed broadcast and mowed. I believe I had so much thatch from my summer mix that I didn’t get good contact. I want to do what is “right” but I also want results.
Like with anything TIMING is a critical part of the equation. Can you elaborate more on when your summer plots were planted, what was in those plots the previous planting, what seeds your summer plots consisted of, your planting method of fall seeding into your summer plots, and what those seeds consisted of? Pictures of your summer plots before planting your fall mix would also be helpful if you have them.
I would broadcast, mow, then spray so you aren't matting down the thatch before broadcasting any more than you have to.
I have not had a problem with the previous crops inhibiting germination on my TNM plots. This is the first year with a diverse summer annual planting for me and I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into for next spring.
I am just envisioning for next year I will have standing mature sunflowers, milo, and soybeans stalks with a green mat of rye coming through and some kale that will more than likely make it through winter and be bolting early next planting season. I cant see this being any problem at all but....
I would have preferred planting awnless winter barley this past fall but I couldn't get my hands on any. With this being said I think after I broadcast my seed into last years dead standing crop with this green carpet coming through I'm going to have to spray after rolling just in case the roller doesn't terminate the rye. I dont foresee last years thatch inhibiting anything but I could be wrong.
I will be planting these same plots with a similar summer annual mix about the first week in June. (when the soil will be warm and germination will happen sooner) I will be planting the earliest maturing soybean I can get my hands on to help get more sunlight to the ground for my fall "cover crop" planting. I leave my summer plot stand and plant into it similar to how Rit plots.
This years summer mix: ON 1/2 ACRE planted TNM method plante first week of June no herbicide use into previous winter barley plot
50# Milo/soybean mix: medium-height Milo with a tall bushy non gmo soybean
50# DS Admiral field pea
5# sunflowers (unsure of variety they came from the MN deer hunters association)
1# of Kestral Kale
3 small packets of pumpkin seed (dont recall variety but they were a small sweet variety)
50# winter rye planted Labor Day weekend
Next years summer mix: ON 1/2 ACRE planted throw and roll method first week of June with herbicide into mature 2018 summer plot and winter rye regrowth
25# organic soybean with a 0.7RM
10# cow peas
5# wildlife grain sorghum (Milo that stand 26-30" high)
1# Winfred forage brassica
6 small packets of pumpkins
(I'm going to skip the sunflowers and see what I get for volunteer growth)