Planting corn specifically for food plot

Well in Missouri my part anyway our plots, ag ground and woods all run together .. coupled with that is a high deer density and worse ..the capitol of the worlds raccoon kingdom ..
Between the deer and the coons 3.5 AC of corn would never see Dove season will be 90% gone ...but hey might just have a dandy bedding area ..except the coons ride down the corn stalks so if you did not have a judicious amount of tall Johnson grass in it ..not even would it be a good bedding area ..on the flip side before we moved to no till "Buffalo" system of green n tall 365 days a year we had switched over to a beige/tan 36" tall milo that the deer both fed and bedded in and that the coons would not touch the deer started to hit it only around dove season which was perfect use timing for our archery season

As for cost and experimentation with corn ..the NWTF each year has a seed program available and you can get last years seed corn for about $10/$15 a bag
I have found that corn germination rate falls about 20% a year so add that to your population input
I honestly do not see broadcasting of corn seed as a viable option as it is very important that the seeds go in at the same depth at the same time or you simply get the seeds that were properly depth planted shading out the slower seeds just like a weed will do ..and will also loose the nutrient battle with larger near by corn plants

I do not know your equipment but a simple 2 row corn planter with a dry fertilizer box with urea in the box will grow you a fine corn crop provided the soil is dry to the point that you grab a hand full and close your hand then open your hand ..if the dirt remains a ball it is too wet but if it somewhat crumbles out of shape you are ready to plant ..

I know how badly I wanted corn for my food plots and please forgive my harsh comment but they are the stark reality for results with corn question you mileage may vary for your local

You know I admit I have more fun planing and planting than I do hunting truth be told ..if you can make corn work that is great ..but maybe first time before you invest in equipment ..see if you can get a local farmer to hit it a lick with corn just to see if corn alone on 3.5 AC can withstand you deer density ..and raccoon intrusions ????

Over the last 15 years I’ve done plenty of experimenting with my foodplots. Over and over my conclusion is that once winter hits, corn is king for both deer and pheasants even though I’m surrounded by thousands of acres of ag that was corn. Cover and food without having to move. I treat my plots exactly the same as I would if it were ag ground. Soil test and fertilize accordingly. I see plenty of guys plant corn without soil amendments. It looks great from afar but in reality there is very little food available. I can’t imagine feel good foot plots with no real value is any of our goals here.

I am looking to put in 2.5- 3 acres of corn as part of my food plot program this year. It's going into ground that is coming out of no-till beans. I will be tilling and planing using a garden planter. My question is- for Food plot corn vs corn planted for Ag production- what should my process look like. I think most of the recommendations I am getting from my local Co-op and extension service are going to be ag based and probably increase my cost.

Just wondering what folks here who do corn specifically for wildlife do as their process.

Thanks in advance.

I read this thread this morning and I can unequivocally say that the majority of advice you get for planting corn on a habitat site is HORRIBLE. Most guys have zero first hand experience. The last people you should consult is habitat guys who would have you half-ass it and spend $800 and get shit results. Instead you should consult some local farmers and see if one of them would plant it for you. You are much better of to spend $1,200-1,500 and knock it out of the park than to half ass it and have a failure. I'm always amused when habitat guys that have $250-500k properties cant afford a few hundred extra bucks to NOT half ass something.

If it was in production the last few years someone else must have been running it. I've been planting my own ag production corn since 2007. One thing you learn quick is if you f*** it up at planting it will be garbage for the rest of the year. If you don't have good weed management you can expect a complete failure. Clean fields and good fertility = strong stalks and high yields. If a couple hundred extra dollars to do it right is gonna break the bank I wouldn't plant corn. If you have lots of trees around you might expect lots of raccoon damage. You can combat them with golden malrin mixed with coke in a pie pan.

110-118 day relative maturity round-up ready hybrid (plant a workhorse v racehorse for food plot)
26,000-32,000 population depending on soil texture (lower population= stronger stalks) Use lower population on coarse texture soils
150-175# nitrogen
60-75# phosphorus
80-120# potash
24-36# sulfur
NEVER work ground in muddy conditions!!!
Plant corn CONSISTENTALY at 2-2.25" deep (into moisture) once the soil warms above 50 degrees at 2" deep
Pre emerge herbicide pass
post emerge herbicide pass
kill the coons and weeds!!!
adequate rainfall

You do those things and you will have a great plot.

Show off 😏
I read this thread this morning and I can unequivocally say that the majority of advice you get for planting corn on a habitat site is HORRIBLE. Most guys have zero first hand experience. The last people you should consult is habitat guys who would have you half-ass it and spend $800 and get shit results. Instead you should consult some local farmers and see if one of them would plant it for you. You are much better off to spend $1,200-1,500 and knock it out of the park than to half ass it and have a failure. I'm always amused when habitat guys that have $250-500k properties cant afford a few hundred extra bucks to NOT half ass something.
If it was in production the last few years someone else must have been running it. I've been planting my own ag production corn since 2007. One thing you learn quick is if you f*** it up at planting it will be garbage for the rest of the year. If you don't have good weed management you can expect a complete failure. Clean fields and good fertility = strong stalks and high yields. If a couple hundred extra dollars to do it right is gonna break the bank I wouldn't plant corn. If you have lots of trees around you might expect lots of raccoon damage. You can combat them with golden malrin mixed with coke in a pie pan.

110-118 day relative maturity round-up ready hybrid (plant a workhorse v racehorse for food plot)
26,000-32,000 population depending on soil texture (lower population= stronger stalks) Use lower population on coarse texture soils
150-175# nitrogen
60-75# phosphorus
80-120# potash
24-36# sulfur
NEVER work ground in muddy conditions!!!
Plant corn CONSISTENTALY at 2-2.25" deep (into moisture) once the soil warms above 50 degrees at 2" deep
Pre emerge herbicide pass
post emerge herbicide pass
kill the coons and weeds!!!
adequate rainfall

You do those things and you will have a great plot.

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well said Buck. I hear corn and broadcast in the same sentence and just cringe.