Planting corn and soybeans together in alternating rows.

I tend to only have to hit my beans/corn once with gly any way. I like the look there Bill. I agree corn is far more costly and temperamental than beans as well. Beans are also much easier to contend with in the spring. Beans also deal with competition - as you can see in Bill's pics much, much better than corn. Biggest trick with beans is getting the deer to leave them alone enough to get them to produce grain.
I think a lot will depend on your location. The combination of browse pressure and weed competition were problematic for me at first. I had to use RR forage beans (Eagle), hit them at least twice with gly, and get well over 5 acres before I could gets beans to canopy. We have since reduced populations and I've been able to use ag beans. While corn is expensive, if you need the gly for post emergent, it can work out. While corn is a little less that triple the cost of ag beans for me, I'm only buying 1 bag of corn for 7 bags of ag beans.

I think both methods have merit depending on your situation.

