Could be, he hunts in the nw corner of the state. Is that where hallock is?
A buck like within what....30-40 minutes of the Manitoba border? Gotta be talking 5+ I'd think
For whatever reason the genetics in that area are very good. Closer to the Red River seems to be better (soil)??
A guy shot a 145 inch 10 pointer in that area once and the tooth sample came back 2.5 years old. I see some nice 2.5 and 3.5 year old bucks with good racks in my area of Kittson County. The neighbors shoot a lot of nice bucks but they own thousands of acres and manage.
I saw a real stud one year in range (85 yds) but on the other side of the river on neighbors. He would have looked good hanging in my cabin....after I told them about it, they said you should have shot it :)()