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5 year old buck +
It only took 8 years of waiting :emoji_rolling_eyes::emoji_slight_smile:but this seedling persimmon turned out to be a female.
Those look great.

Last year I had a seedling tree that produced only one female flower for the first time. The tree was starting to get pretty big (like 12 feet tall) and I was starting to wonder if it would ever make anything. I tied a ribbon on the limb next to the flower and later on - sure enough - one persimmon. That was the entire first crop.

This year that tree is literally covered with persimmons to the point that the limbs are sagging down. One more year made a heck of a difference.
Outstanding! One would think seedlings would be 50/50, but that does not seem to be the case in my area with my native persimmons. We seem to have a lot more male trees. I've been on a bark grafting kick with them for the last few years.
We looked yesterday. The native persimmons I found have fruit hanging. Still waiting on my seedlings to show their hand.
95% male persimmons on my place.
99.9% male on my place...;)

The .1% is the one tree I grafted that started producing...

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Have you guys verified they are male with flowers or are you assuming that because they don't produce? I definitely have a lot more native male trees than female, but not that bad of a ratio. Of course, there is nothing wrong with grafting young female trees. You will know what you are getting. There is a lot of variability in my native persimmons in terms of drop time. I've been grafting 1" trees and I can't really tell the sex of them because they haven't started flowering yet. I'm trying to get a wide range of drop times by using scions from trees with known drop times.


Jack - It was tongue in cheek. I don’t currently have any native producing trees on my property, but most aren’t mature enough to flower. I don’t wait though, I just graft them.

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my persimmons are homosexual

Here is a picture of a young native seedling I grafted:


You can see the tree is still less than 1" in diameter but it has a few persimmons.


Is 8 years about the average for most persimmon seedlings to start producing?
I think that is optimistic for a seedling. I'd guess my native trees are about 10 years or so old when they first produce. You can probably cut a few years off by grafting. Trees typically focus their energy on vegetative growth until they hit a certain level of maturity when the focus changes to reproduction. I think it controlled with hormones. Presuming you take the scion from a mature, fruit producing tree, it has a different hormone make-up than the rootstock. I think this may cut you down to about 8 years.

Keep in mind that I'm suggesting this is an average for my native trees. What I see advertised from nurseries is very optimistic for most trees. Some trees will produce at a younger age and some will take longer. Good care and planting location probably shorten things a bit.

If I cut down a native tree that is an inch or more in diameter and bark graft it, it is not uncommon to get the first few fruits in the third leaf.


That makes sense. Thanks Jack!
Not all trees follow the rules....


A few years ago, I started some persimmons from seed. I grew them in Rootmakers for a season and grafted them the following spring. This one has about a dozen persimmons on it. You can't see them all from the picture. I'll have to check the tree tag to be sure, but I think it is Nikita's Gift. It is a hybrid and perhaps that accounts for the early fruiting.


Pretty cool to be rewarded so soon on a persimmon! Looks good Jack!
Tried my first ripe persimmon today. Not bad at all. Wish the rest of my persimmons would show their hand.