Permethrin on dogs


5 year old buck +
A few weeks back we were raving about Permethrin, and how well it works on ticks. Well I bought some of the 10% stuff from Tractor Supply, and mixed up 2 different batches, the .5% solution to spray on my clothing, and some .05% solution to treat the my dogs, as per the labels recommendations. I treated my dogs on a Wednesday, sprayed them down and rubbed it into their coats. I also treated my clothing. To be honest, I was less then impressed. I went to my cabin on Friday, and on Saturday I had a tick walking up the cuffling of my treated pants. I watched him walk all the way up past my knee, about 10 minutes worth of entertainment. No ill effects of the tick at all. So I grabbed the strong mixed(.05%) solution and sprayed the tick, in 5 minutes of time, the tick walked out of the puddle of solution I mixed up, and it kept walking, so I used my pocket knife and killed it. When I returned home, I ended up finding about 100 ticks stuck on my dogs throughout the week. They were all alive.

AM I missing something? Did I calculate the mixtures wrong? I would love for this stuff to work, because my land has a lot of ticks, and I worry about my dogs getting lymes.
I don't know what to tell you. I use the premixed stuff and am just amazed at how well it works. I've never tried mixing my own from concentrated solution. I admit that I really saturate my clothes when I spray it on and then leave them lay out until they're fully dry.
I'd say you must have miscalculated the solution as it works wonderful for me. I've never sprayed my dogs with the solution so I can't speak to that.
Permethrin is in most flee and tick meds for dogs. Any chance your chemical is old, or like said before you mixed it too weak?
A few weeks back we were raving about Permethrin, and how well it works on ticks. Well I bought some of the 10% stuff from Tractor Supply, and mixed up 2 different batches, the .5% solution to spray on my clothing, and some .05% solution to treat the my dogs, as per the labels recommendations. I treated my dogs on a Wednesday, sprayed them down and rubbed it into their coats. I also treated my clothing. To be honest, I was less then impressed. I went to my cabin on Friday, and on Saturday I had a tick walking up the cuffling of my treated pants. I watched him walk all the way up past my knee, about 10 minutes worth of entertainment. No ill effects of the tick at all. So I grabbed the strong mixed(.05%) solution and sprayed the tick, in 5 minutes of time, the tick walked out of the puddle of solution I mixed up, and it kept walking, so I used my pocket knife and killed it. When I returned home, I ended up finding about 100 ticks stuck on my dogs throughout the week. They were all alive.

AM I missing something? Did I calculate the mixtures wrong? I would love for this stuff to work, because my land has a lot of ticks, and I worry about my dogs getting lymes.

Based on the info as stated above I would assume you calculated your mixtures wrong. In your wording above you state you mixed a .5% solution to treat your clothes and .05% solution to treat the dogs. You then go on to state that your grabbed the strong mixed .05% solution you used to spray the dogs to spray the tick after seeing no ill effects from it walking on your clothes.

The .5% solution you used on your clothes is way stronger than the .05% solution you used on the dogs - not vice versa.

Check your math calculations and remix - I have a feeling you may have made an error. Also, permethrin is available in 30% concentration as well - make sure you aren't using 10% permethrin at 30% permethrin mix rates.
Tell us how you mixed the solution. A .5% solution is the ticket for ticks on clothes and dogs. 1 ounce of 10% permethrin with 20 ounces of water will give you the recommended .5% solution.
The mixture I made for my clothes was a little over 1.5 ounces for a 32 ounce bottle. The mixture I made for the dogs was 5ml in - 20 ounce bottle. Because the label said to use a solution of .05% on dogs, and .5 percent on clothing, and horses. I thought that was very weak to treat the dogs.

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I mix 1 ounce with 15 ounces to spray my clothes and it works excellent. I don't mess around spraying my dogs with permethrin.... I give them chewable Nexgard every month, game over for the ticks.
I mix about 1.5 to 20. I've watched tick go into an LSD transe just above the knee.
I mix about 1.5 to 20. I've watched tick go into an LSD transe just above the knee.

I've watched deer ticks do that also, but they barely make it to the bottom of my knee. It"s kind of weird, they get goofy, wiggle their legs and tip over backwards off of my pants. They are toast within 30 seconds.