Our Buddy Jordan!

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We all know him, and I am glad to call him my friend. Jordan Selsor is a real American Hero! And I don't care if he would not want me to post this. I am doing it anyways! He should and was recognized by the Governor of Missouri Today, for a heroic act that saved a woman's life. Thanks Jordan, and thanks for your service!

http://m.emissourian.com/local_news/pac ... l?mode=jqm

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Thanks for posting this. Makes me proud to just post on the same forum as him, and I agree - a hero for sure.

And I might add that he really looks the part in that photo. Great job Jordan, and thanks for your service to your fellow man.....
Nicely done Jordan.

Those boys and that new baby girl won't have to look far to see what a hero looks like. They are fortunate to call him dad.
Awesome job!!
Good job Jordan!
The few, the proud. Humbled to keep such good company. Congrats Jordan.

Also can't help but mention he rode a tractor through the water to get to the car.

Rednecks like us (he and the tractor driver) make the world go 'round. Show me a millennial living in an apartment that would know what to do in a situation like this and I'll be amazed. I can only hope to raise Jake with the same moral compass as Jordan.
Thanks Jordan for being a true American hero and role model!
Thanks Guys it was a humbling experience to receive the medal of valor from the governor. When they called me up an asked me to come out to the capital to receive it I told them no. I didn't feel that what I did was worthy on top of feeling I needed to be at home to help my wife with our new born baby. My Chief then called my wife and let's just say I drove out to Jefferson City accept the medal lol... A woman can be persuasive. Especially mine... It made me feel good to make my friends and family proud but this medal is nothing compared to the resent gift God has given my family with our new daughter.
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I knew there was a reason I liked Jordan.

Well done sir!

Gladdened by the fact that he's bringing up 3 boys and a girl (so far).
I actually live just a few miles from the Meramec district. Jordan, I'm in Wildwood. My property is just down the road in Cuba. I know many police officers, fire fighters and EMS in the St. Louis County Police and Metro West Fire Departments. I'll bet we have some mutual acquaintences. I'm proud to have those brave men and women who serve our community as friends. They are of the highest character.
The few, the proud. Humbled to keep such good company. Congrats Jordan.

Also can't help but mention he rode a tractor through the water to get to the car.

Rednecks like us (he and the tractor driver) make the world go 'round. Show me a millennial living in an apartment that would know what to do in a situation like this and I'll be amazed. I can only hope to raise Jake with the same moral compass as Jordan.
Hank said it best
"Country boy can survive" ;)
I'm thankful that farmer was willing to drive me out into the flood water with his 50k kabota lol
He took it half way up the hood till the fan was splashing water
I actually live just a few miles from the Meramec district. Jordan, I'm in Wildwood. My property is just down the road in Cuba. I know many police officers, fire fighters and EMS in the St. Louis County Police and Metro West Fire Departments. I'll bet we have some mutual acquaintences. I'm proud to have those brave men and women who serve our community as friends. They are of the highest character.
Glad to know this! I'm sure we do have mutual aquaintances as I have worked an trained with many of the metro west guys! How has your season gone this yr? I like the heck out of all these guys and it's neat to hear about other parts of the country but always cool to see guys from my area on here! Heck let me know if you ever want to split some bulk seed sometime!
Great job Jordan.
God bless you and your family,Jordan

MoBuckChaser, thanks for posting

Wow! what an amazing honor!! So very cool and so very brave. I am happy there are people in the world with the courage that you have and had.
Congratulations Jordan!!! The world is a better place when we have people willing to help others so bravely and selflessly. It is also great to see good people in the news once in a while too.

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Glad there are people like you around Jordan !
Jordan - our season went well. First year on our new property and I harvested two small bucks. One each with a bow and rifle and my son was able to take his first deer too.
Outstanding and Congrats!
I remember when that happened. There were a thread or two about it and I thought it was a very courageous act. Glad to see him get recognition of it!
Congrats Jordan !!! Great work. I see what you mean about God's gift ......... Daddy's little girl !!! That's a pic of a happy Dad. Special year all the way !!