An Old Buddy Goes Down & I'm Holding the Smokin' Gun!


5 year old buck +
I'm late in getting this posted, but I shot this 10-pointer on the 11th of November (OK, I'm really late posting this)! I hunted in the morning and only saw a button buck. My dad wanted me to go to "his" stand where he hunts almost exclusively. He had heart surgery last year and is batting prostate cancer now (be sure you get your regular checkups including PSA tests with your blood work). Anyways, he wanted me to put some carpet in there, because he removed the old carpet since the dead insect carcasses were so thick. I was laughing at him wanting carpet replaced in a shooting house but I did it anyways. Well, as soon as I get that done, I open the window and I'll be darn if there isn't a buck 80-100 yards out. I could see he was likely a 10-pointer when I hurriedly got my binoculars up.

He had already crossed the field and was standing just inside the woods. I didn't have time to get my video camera out if I was going to take him. To be quite honest, it happened so quick I wasn't sure he was even a good buck. I just thought I recognized him as a 4-year old I had seen the past couple years (and passed to hopefully encounter him in the future). Well, I shot and he dropped like a lead balloon! It turned out he was in fact the buck I had seen and gotten many videos. I actually saw his bachelor group buddy (same aged deer) more often than he, but I found him dead last winter.

Anyways, I ramble a bit in my video, but it was kinda neat to be able to put the pieces together on this buck over the years leading up to the conclusion that day! I kinda show his progression over the years along with the head of his buddy. It's sad the bucks I was most familiar with are gone, but it's cool I was able to get one and recover the other! I especially want to thank the guys here that helped me get set up to plant 156 trees for the first time last winter! I'm hooked!



  • Photo Nov 11, 4 46 48 PM (2).jpg
    Photo Nov 11, 4 46 48 PM (2).jpg
    665 KB · Views: 31
Congratulations !
History with a deer always adds something special.
For sure! It's not often that I pass them and see them later in life, let alone harvest it.
Awesome buck and sweet vid, that other tall rack is very cool too.
Awesome buck and sweet vid, that other tall rack is very cool too.

Thanks! Yeah, I saw that tall rack buck seeking does hard the last couple years. He was all over the place! I guess that stress got to him, but not quite sure.
Great buck, congrats!
Great buck and story, congratulations!!