Opinions on clover.

For you fustrated clover folks, I am thinking of toying with cereal grains and 2,4D. Putting up some rye in the spring, and spray 2,4D to curb some weeds. Not sure if 2,4D damages Mace sedge or not. But, I feel the dtuch white clover is agressive. Was going to keep out other clovers and maybe hone in on ladino and medium red. I do have a few lbs of durana and patriot clover. However, I'd prefer regal or VNS.

Far as clover goes, about the easiest to tame is medium red. One or two mowing and the seed heads are pretty much gone. Pehaps looking into horse and cattle forage mixes might find certain well behaved clovers.

One clover that might be behaved is arrowhead clover. I think it's one of those clovers in the imperial mix.
I like Durano White Clover for my purposes so far will see this spring how well it has faired on heavy cattle grazing pressure. In a couple places that I have it and no cattle pressure it seems like a good long term food plot plant. I need to get into those areas again and check on it just been to busy with other projects.
I like durana clover too. Just mindful of throw n mow issues with clover. At home, no issue. At camp, sometimes cant spray herbicide.

Give patriot ckovwr a try, its madevby peddington like durana, but is better suited for northern climates.

Maybe dursna will be ok, have to see this summer at camp.
I always plant a variety of Ladino Clover and Medium Red Clover. The Ladino variety I like best is the Alice White Clover. Been a great combo for me up on the tundra of Northern MN.
Alsike white clover is I believe what I used when I lived in Northern Wisconsin been a while think was what I used up there.
Alsike white clover is I believe what I used when I lived in Northern Wisconsin been a while think was what I used up there.
Notice tho.....there is a big difference in Alsike Clover and Alice White Clover.