Tree Spud
5 year old buck +
Thank you very much!!
Lot of amazing and intelligent people in the industry. Like many things, sometimes it’s just easy not to mention vs. sharing the full picture.
I think we all must step back and realize that any step towards soil conservation is a positive step in the right direction.
Crimping isn’t the end all be all solution. Spraying 5 times a year isn’t either.
I’ve been fortunate to work with a lot of brilliant people. I find it frustrating that many of them speak about “regen ag” with such passion but just skip over the standard and agreed upon agronomic science that is know (even when they implement it - they just assume others don’t want to hear about it).
An example of this is understanding base saturations. Understanding carbon to nitrogen ratios. Understanding the antagonism and synergistic relationships that are very well documented within the soil profile of inputs, and so much more.
Now all that to say - regen ag is amazing and we all learn more each year. What can we accomplish with biology?! Their might be no ceiling!!
However, I want people who consider Vitalize seed to realize they are welcome no matter their level of equipment and desire for regen ag. We are going to work together to help you come up with a plan that fits the growers goals and helps to improve soil health over time.
Lastly - even if you’re not using our products. I hope my threads and posts help to understand some of the dynamics of soil and how things work.
Thanks again for the kind words. Means a lot.
Albert ... you sharing the what & why behind the products you sell, as opposed to big buck allusions, is what really separates you guys from the other BOB seed guys. Your contributions are much appreciated here.