Official watch em grow thread:)

Got one more for you. Look at how this one changed in one year. Has a broken beam in 12 but growth is very evident.

I think he was 3 last year and if so the best 3 I've had. He was alive after gun season so expecting to see him again this year.
What a Dandy Native Hunter you got some pretty bucks!!!! Hope we get to see what they do this yr:)
And yet another jump from what I beleive 2.5 to 3. Small 8 point last winter (on left in both pics)
punk 8 13,2.jpg
punk 8 13.jpg
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And this yr picking on the big 10 (on the left)
punk ass 8.jpg
punk 8.jpg
He's a good one Jordan. Very nice gains that he made.
This thread is a great idea. This is a buck we called loppy. Here he is at 2.5 in Sept.2.5.jpg
After a tough rut.
2.5 a.jpg
Here he is at 3.5. Had lots of sighting of him just never in bow range. I almost hit him with my truck a mile from where this pic was taken.3.5.jpg
And this is 4.5, never to be seen again.4.5.JPG
Dang loppy was a haus at 4.5!!! Cool pics fun to see:)
Here is another one ya boys. This guy is bigger than pics show. I found his Lt shed last spring an his G2 is LONG! Here he is post season in Dec/13

prince 8 13.jpg
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An here he is recently in the bean/brassica plot. Hope video will upload
Nice! Lots of good chapters to the books there!
Have to dig out the Old hard drive but I can show some.

Found these very heavy 8 sheds in the spring of 2012. My hand won't fit around the base.


Got my first pic of him in August of 2013. And he was old then.


Here's a 2014 pic and he looks really old.


Not 100% but I really believe this is him in 2015 on the way out.


Got a pic of him Jan 16 but don't have it on this device. He lived,through the season. No sightings this year I don't think he made it trough the winter. But at least it seems he had a good life.

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I have a 2011 of this deer but not with me.

Here is a 2012 as a 3 year old laying down. Notice the two front kickers he was easy to ID.


Here he is in 2013 as a 4 year old. Kickers were always cool and changing.


Here he is a 5 year old in 2014


This is the last live pic of him. Seconds before I stuck him with muzzy. :D

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Sorry this is the last pic seconds after I stuck him.


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Nice Bill! I assume you killed him?
You have any pics of the rack/mount?
Nice Bill! I assume you killed him?
You have any pics of the rack/mount?

I like this pic because I'm not 100 feet behind the deer with its antlers held up with fishing string. My boot is in front of its head, so there is no funny business here.




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Here is my entry. We found this guys shed this spring. He has packed on the growth at 2.5. I will take him during bow season as I have yet to take a buck with my bow in 14 years of hunting here. After that it will depend what shows up. As of now he is the oldest buck I have using the property. The does and fawns are starting to pile in for the plots and apples so I am still hopeful some more bucks will show. This guy has lived in my plots for two years. I should ask WI for a refund. He doesn't look anything like the deer on their bag.

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