Oak id please

Be interested in seeing pictures. Bark and branches, too.
Is this just a standard SWO? This is in Northern MO.


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It looks like swo from here. What do the branches look like?
Alright, got a good one here. This tree is in a park in the neighboring town. It looks like more than a standard bur oak to me. The contrast between the front of the leaf and back is far more distinct than the burs we normally have. The form of the tree also looks different to me. The limbs have a different texture and the acorn protrudes from the cap more than any other bur oak around here. When you get it out of the cap, it just looks like a SWO. I took the pics on a drizzly day, but the day before the bark also seems much lighter than bur oak. Some sort of cross? Or just a bur with abnormal features?image3.jpegimage4.jpegimage5.jpegimage6.jpegimage7.jpeg
I do think there is some variation in Bur oak acorns in the depth of cap and some of them even have a shallow enough cap that some of the acorns fall free. Those are the Bur oak acorns I’d plant if I were to plant Bur oaks for deer particularly on large acorns but I could be completely wrong and the deer chew threw the large caps to get to the acorns no problem idk. This is why I normally don’t plant Bur oaks in my deer orchards.