Oak id please

A comment about the schuette's from nativ. I have a couple dozen of them and I think they have the prettiest leaves. They make a great tree for your yard.
I gotta pick em now……..

im moving on

heading south, hopefully get some Oregon oak acorns from sutherlin .
The caps are easy to remove after a few days on the porch covered in a towel.


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Is this a regular Bur Oak? I did not label it. No peduncle on the acorns, it’s only been in the ground a couple years and it is in a 5’ tube for height reference. I’m impressed it’s producing already.
Can i go ahead and reserve acorns for the next couple years?😍
Acorns definitely bur; 1st leaf picture is perfect example of bur oak. Congratulations on the excellent care you obviously have provided the tree. Your efforts are paying off early 🙂

The power of the weed mat to smoother out all of the competition and let your trees thrive... I rarely plant trees now unless I take the time to install weed mats. My woods is really taking off with the 700+ I have installed the last few years. I have about 20-23 more to do this weekend and then I am pretty well finally caught up to all of the previous plantings. Been a 5 year journey.

If he really wanted to boost that tree he could lift up one corner of the weed mat and make a slot 6-8" deep and pour in about a half pop can of 19-19-19. Stay back from the tree about 18-24" and try to reclose the hole you made and put the mat back down. My oaks love triple 19. Do it right away in the spring.
Buck S said......" Do it right away in the spring." .... how right you are; the 1st growth spurt is the big growth spurt ... if you follow recommendations to wait until leaf out, you essentially handicap your tree

What is on this young burr oak.? I planted 25 of them and tubed them in 2020. This is probably my best one.

Swamp Chestnut oak maybe from the size of acorn
Swamp Chestnut oak maybe from the size of acorn
These all have fairly long peduncles like swamp whites.20230916_100505.jpg
Teeder, stopped and took some pics of tree three acorns. They do look odd compared to the other trees, maybe its because they are smaller, IDK. 20230920_150031.jpg20230920_145218.jpg20230920_145106_HDR.jpg
My swo's look like that too. I don't think they're filled out yet.
One of the local SWO doesnt have as big of a crop as the last couple years, but they are very large and meaty this year. Last year the drop was from about Oct 1-10th. Some of these acorns likely made their way to Idaho last year.

Teeder, there is a really strange cluster of trees at the back of Concordia rest stop. The leaves look somewhat deformed and kind of boat shaped. All the trees in that cluster are the same, don't know if I took a pic or not. Wondering if they are chink x dco.