NWC Drop Times

White Oak

5 year old buck +
Hey guys I saw this on a deer hunting website but I'm not a member so can't ask questions there. I have these same three varieties of NWC crabs but they have only been planted a year , and was wondering if the drop times are accurate in this guys description (he just ordered then and haven't been planted) . NWC's Website doesn't mention specific months . I do realize different zones can effect drop times and I'm in zone 7 but I'm just curious of actual drop times for members with trees that are producing fruit.

30-06 - Standard Crabapple, LATE season drop crabapple, December January
Crossbow - Standard Crabapple, Fall drop, looks a lot like Dolgo, early season
Droptine - Standard Crabapple, Slow drop starting early fall through late seaso
Dont know as mine are only 3 so interested as well.

Do know however that mine get blown up with SW injury in areas not protected from the evening sun.

Painting of the trunks proved inconsequential.
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Those drop times seem legit.
I have some NWC that have been fruiting for a few year’s or more. The DropTine and 30-06 can hold really late if the wind isn’t crazy, normally a very slow drop.
I have DropTine’s that hold well into February they can hang on almost like Golden Hornet does and can be shaken off tree in winter.
I’ve probably got a couple dozen or more NWC in the ground different varieties from second leaf to seventh leaf.
Only issue I’ve ever had was last year when I over fertilized a bigger DropTine 15’ and it put new growth on so fast early summer it made branches weak (weepy looking). I had to support some of the taller branches, it stiffened up fine in late fall and looks great now.
Dont know as mine are only 3 so interested as well.

Do know however that mine get blown up with SW injury in areas not protected from the evening sun.

Painting of the trunks proved inconsequential.
My NWC's haven't had any SW injuries.....I have one DR Deer pear with SW injury, I just put a old white tree tube around the trunk a few weeks ago....I'm thinking that should help some.
Those drop times seem legit.
I have some NWC that have been fruiting for a few year’s or more. The DropTine and 30-06 can hold really late if the wind isn’t crazy, normally a very slow drop.
I have DropTine’s that hold well into February they can hang on almost like Golden Hornet does and can be shaken off tree in winter.
I’ve probably got a couple dozen or more NWC in the ground different varieties from second leaf to seventh leaf.
Only issue I’ve ever had was last year when I over fertilized a bigger DropTine 15’ and it put new growth on so fast early summer it made branches weak (weepy looking). I had to support some of the taller branches, it stiffened up fine in late fall and looks great now.
Thanks H20fwler , I take it your Droptine and 30-06 are also dropping during hunting season in November / Dec ? . Mine will only be in the ground a year in April , so it's too early to know exactly when they drop in zone 7. I'm not sure if it's a issue or not , but some of my NWC trees have major burr knotts on the bottom of the trunks. Some members say they can be filed/cut off , or mound dirt around them....or just leave it. I think for now I'll just leave it.
Thanks H20fwler , I take it your Droptine and 30-06 are also dropping during hunting season in November / Dec ? . Mine will only be in the ground a year in April , so it's too early to know exactly when they drop in zone 7. I'm not sure if it's a issue or not , but some of my NWC trees have major burr knotts on the bottom of the trunks. Some members say they can be filed/cut off , or mound dirt around them....or just leave it. I think for now I'll just leave it.

Both those will drop all through hunting season with the lower stuff getting picked off by deer.
I think a few of mine may have some burr knots not enough for me to worry about at all and they are under the screens anyway.
Are the NWC trees solid through Zone 4?
Both those will drop all through hunting season with the lower stuff getting picked off by deer.
I think a few of mine may have some burr knots not enough for me to worry about at all and they are under the screens anyway.
Thanks for the info !. I have two more 30-06's and a Droptine from NWC coming next month. I never paid the burr knots any attention....until someone on here commented about them when they saw them in photos I posted.
Made it last year here in 4a

Hit -30 real this year so will know for sure.
Last year only hit -27
Is anyone having success with these in zone 3? Crabs are usually pretty hardy, so I‘m going to try a few in zone 3. Worst case, I leave a nurse branch and get a few antonovka
I’m on the edge of 3b / 4a and I’ve had 30-06 & Droptine growing here for 3 years without any issues yet.