November is CRPS awareness month


I am simply helping my daughter in her effort to spread and increase awareness of CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). My middle daughter Jenna has this and until we figured out what she had we had never heard of it before. November is the month for awareness and the orange ribbon is the symbol for it.

CRPS is a nervous condition - trigger by an injury where the brain turns on the pain switch in the area of the injury and doesn't turn if off - even once the injury itself is healed. Jenna has this in her foot after it was broken. The pain can be very intense and long lasting. Days, weeks and even months of unbearable pain cause be caused. Thru therapy and medical treatment it can only be made tolerable and may never fully go away. Jenna at a time was confined to a wheelchair and crutches and couldn't even tolerate a sock on her foot.

pre-teen girls seem to be the most at risk, but anyone can get this and Doctors really don;t understand what triggers it. Please take notice of this as it can be very difficult to find medical help that understands this condition. There is nothing worse than having a child in intense pain and not being able to do anything about it much less explain why this is happening.
The body does some crazy things at times. Hope it is a condition that gets better or goes away with time for your daughter.
I hope all goes well for your daughter J-Bird!
Jenna is doing much better, but there is no actual cure for CRPS. This is something she will deal with to some extent for the rest of her life. I have seen true strength in a 12 year old because of this terrible condition. That is why she has pushed for help for spreading awareness. We where very surprised at how few medical doctors are even aware of it. In the early stages the actual "treatment" actually made it worse - because they didn't know. She is on a better path now. If you have any sort of pain after an injury has "healed" please bring up CRPS to your doctor or seek out a pain specialist. Don;t feel sorry for Jenna - she hates that. Instead spread the awareness and if you can wear or show an orange ribbon in November.
Don;t feel sorry for Jenna - she hates that. Instead spread the awareness and if you can wear or show an orange ribbon in November.

I get that but it's hard not to.
I do feel sorry for you, it's tough to be helpless while a child has an illness. I've watched the "I can do" attitude and don't help me because I can do it myself.

In my experience it's heartbreaking sometimes but has built some strong character in a child.

I've never heard of the illness but will remember it now. Hope all ends well. (And soon)
Wishing her the best in this and hope all ends well.
I also wish Jenna the best.



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I see a lot of "I hopes" from others and that is fine I hope she gets well also... but are you a praying family not asking do you go to church, but do you pray?

My wife and I will add her to our prayer list... God bless.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Wow I did not know of such a thing. Best wishes to your daughter