Nice little map tool


5 year old buck +
While researching some areas to Elk hunt next fall I came across this nice little tool so you can compare things side by side.
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Very nice, thanks for sharing. Seems to combine features of GIS that a lot of counties have, but saves you from going to many different county sites.
Thanks for posting this. I've spent countless hours overlaying topo and aerial trying to better understand my property's terrain features in relationship to food, bed, an travel corridors. This is very very helpful.
Also look at Caltopo. A good portion of the data on Hillmap is pulled directly from Caltopo, but instead of just a side by side you can also view in percent shading overlays. I kind of like seeing the aerial photo showing through the topo for certain applications.
That's cool. It showed all the topo features at my farm with the Google earth side by side.
Thanks Shawn.