My primary goal is to get a shot at a 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 bucks on the property. At the end of the day I want to make the property better for deer. I am a remote property owner and have limited time I'll most likely only be bow hunting during one week in November.(Split between two properties). I think if I want to keep deer on the property I need a food source to compete with my neighbor to the south. I think that will probably be my main goal for next year, and if I can hire a dozer to make trails & blockades. I am trying to figure out how to get back to the South part of my property with the least amount of disruption and scent.
So lets break this down.
- 3 to 4 year old bucks. Ok...doable. Maybe not every year, but I think you could see a deer like that within reason.
- Bow hunting. OK...that means shorter shooting distances. That means you may need to steer deer a bit more in your hunting locations. As this relates to plots....this means you have to narrow down the plot entry points OR you use a winding plot concept vs a large open plot concept or implement a staging area or two.
- competing with neighbors. That may be a tough one. Depending on what they are doing you may simply lack the ability to out feed the deer. I would promote your natural food sources as much as possible and then try to provide the absolute best place to eat in town during that November window you are hunting. Don't worry about October or December.
- the plotting strategy for a limited window is a 2 prong plan. #1 - feeding does year round is going to put does on your place year round and that may hinder buck bedding. #2 - your limited area for plotting needs to focus to accomplish your goal, so dedicating your plots to that window with the best foods in that window will help you draw deer to your property at just the right time. The neighbors are essentially serving burgers more than want to serve steak, but for a limited time.
- your other option is to feed the does year round and try to keep them happy and use them to lure that buck you are looking for to you. It's easier to hold doubt about it. But the downside to this is that the buck you are after may have to come from a neighboring property or even further. As such he has to avoid a lot of other hunters before he gets to you. This is what I have to do. I lack the cover to be able to hold a buck, so I don't really have a choice. I have been successful in taking 130 to 150 in bucks this way, but it only happens every couple of years and it's frustrating knowing that a deer I am seeing on cam I may never see during the season....because someone else already killed him.
- I have no issue with the south border trail. I would avoid a physical "blockade". A screen is fine....when I hear blockade I think WALL. And a wall will make the deer feel trapped and may result in a deadzone that you don't have room for.