New Idea Corn Picker clogging up a lot


5 year old buck +
I recently bought a New Idea 323 corn picker (single row model). It is in pretty good shape. Under the rollers there is a chain driven conveyor that cleans out any trash that falls through and there is a screen under is I think I have seen it referred to as a corn saver. I may collect some kernels that get knocked off.

Small sections of cob (probably from incomplete ears) keep getting between the conveyer and the corn saver screen. The unit runs with the front slightly higher than the back (I am sure I could adjust that). As set they roll back against the back side of the corn save screen and eventually work their way to the sprocket that us used to turn the conveyor. That clogs and stops the conveyor.

Has anyone had a similar problem. I have seen where some have run the pickers without the corn saver screen. I suspect that would allow the cobs to fall to the ground. I need to look at the unit close because I am not sure how the darn cobs get in there to start with.

I have been around combines, but no corn pickers so this is new to me.

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