New shop lighting


5 year old buck +
I had one of my 400w metal halide bulbs burn out in the garage last week so I ordered a couple 150W corn cob LED’s to replace the burned out one and have a spare. After deleting the transformer and capacitor and putting up the new LED bulb I decided to go ahead and change out one more of my older MH bulbs with the spare LED bulb. Well anyway I have 4 more 150W LED’s on the way so I can change them all out. The new ones are way brighter than my aging MH’s and the instant on is pretty nice compared to a 10 min warmup with the MH bulbs and maybe 20 min warmup if they where on and where turned off and then needed again a short time latter. These are using the high bay housings with the defusers so they are bright but you can look up if needed my buddy put up 8’ LED strip lights that are exceptional bright but blindingly so if you look up at all almost to the point of annoyance or discomfort.
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I have a small pole barn on my land. It had 6 - 100 watt lightbulbs in the rafters when it was new.....about 15 years ago. I found some "garage LED" light clusters for a reasonable price (like $5.00 each on sale at Menards) and replaced them all. The difference is night and day! So much more light. Likely 3x what I had before and lots less energy consumption and longer life too.

Bought more for my garage at home.....and will likely replace a few more if they have a sale price again. LED is hard to beat We've replaced most used incandescent bulbs with LED's now.....and it's quite affordable (finally).

Too bad I got a closet full of incandescent bulbs of all sizes. Grrrrr
I swapped to the florescent curly bulbs then to the LED’s in the house over the years. I still have a few curly bulbs. I’ve gotten into the habit of using a permanent marker and writing the install date on the bulbs when placed in service to get an idea of just how long they actually last. If I was more organized I’d keep a journal and upon replacement document the lifespan.
Most every light in my house has been LED for some time now. My garage/shop I put in the ones that look like a fan blade and WOW what a difference it made.
You are gonna find so many things in that shop now that you can see!

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You are gonna find so many things in that shop now that you can see!

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Could be some truth in that statement.
Put 4' LED shop lights in our pole barn, they make it like daytime in there. Put a Triburst LED in our utility room and it really does the job.