Need Biomass

I had a neighbor who grew grass on horrible soil by raking and laying burlap over the seed. It retained moisture very well for the seed. Luckily, at work we have a vendor who uses burlap bags for packing so I always saved them for him.
Sorghum, winter rye, hairy vetch, barley, red clover, and buckwheat would all be considered as pieces to the puzzle to convert your soil at this stage. I think too many people with really bad soils focus on what is attractive to deer, rather than what they can get to grow to eventually grow something that is a pure deer attractant. I'm not saying this is the case here, but focus on not working the soil and getting a mix to grow and provide you with some of that much needed organic matter. The nice thing is, some of these species are browsed by deer and can still give you organic matter. Hairy vetch and rye have been the heavy lifters on a sandy plot of mine.