My Scent Control Thread Ozone, Carbon, Smoker, or ???

First year I used turpentine as a cover scent. Very few to almost no deer hated it. Many hung up a little and tested the wind awhile, but most then just did their thing. I won't be out archery hunting without it. I hunt almost exclusively heavily pressured public land.
How do you use it? Apply it?

We use to always have a camp fire at nights, and noticed it really help ed cover our scent. This was when we were deer hunting for 9 days, and only went into town to shower maybe 1 time during the week.
How do you use it? Apply it?

I put a little on a cotton ball and put 2 or 3 dabs on the tree above my head then drop the cotton ball on the ground. I rarely even smell it. It was a big discussion on a PA site I'm on.
Store your hunting clothes in a corn bag and hunt upwind of the deer
dad used to do this with apples in the early 90's. You have to remember though that if you're smelling like apples or corn and hunting an area where that smell "shouldn't be", you're still going to get busted because it's a foreign smell.

To each their own on cover scents, but I'll go for limited/no scent over cover scent if I can.
Like most of you, been deer hunting for really long time (40+ years). Over the years, I've bought all the stuff from: Tink's 69, skunk/fox/coon cover scents, scent lock clothing, to ozonics. I've tried it all.
As a bowhunter, it took many years of experience to figure out proper stand placement, due to winds and sun, and how thermals work. Of course I wash my clothes unscented, use a pine branch in the bag i keep my hunting clothes in, don't put on my boots until im on hunting ground, etc...
Over the years, with the plethora of scent tech that's come out, with most of it making its way into my hunting routine at some point, I've kinda come full circle and ditched it all. I found myself setting bow stands up with less regard to the wind because i had an ozonics unit hanging next to me, and my clothes wet from spraying scent control all over. Eventually, It was all becoming too much to f*** with. Pretty easy decision when everything I had tried over the years had minimal to no effect, yet i was wasting time and money trying to make it work. (only product i ever found that had success was Evercalm) I've found I enjoy hunting more with less in my backpack.
IMO, Nothing beats proper basic scent control combined with proper stand locations and entry/exits.
**side note: never had a buck chasing spook to my scent either. On the contrary, during the rut, I've had nice bucks come in my lap from straight down wind more times than I can count.
I burn trash year round so it's a common smell in the county. I'm not the least bit afraid to get some of that smoke on me and my clothes before a hunt. I've had good luck doing that. A downwind deer obviously picks something up, but usually relaxes soon after.
My apple orchard is about 100 yards or so from my wood boiler. If the wind is blowing to the north, the smoke smell goes directly into the apple orchard, deer dont mind at all. I kinda like when the wind blows to the the north. I figure it has to kind of cover my scent some. Plus depending on the wood I put in there, it just smells like smoked jerky all day.