My kid is tired of LGBLT, climate change and social justice at school.

I give him an A but can't believe such a class exists. I can see myself being called to school once my kids starts these classes.
Ya times are different and not for the better. I recently got a call from the principal because my son was telling his friends about looking for pussy willows in the woods with his grandma. I said what's the issue? Principal said that some students could find the word pussy willow offensive and we need to make sure no one ever is offended at school. I ended up calling the superintendent but nothing much happened.
No grade yet. I'll let everyone know.

Yea it's a shame these classes exist today. I had them in college 30 years ago but they seem to have migrated to H.S.

Like bwoods said though (some ) of the kids mock it. I'm not bothered that my son is in this class because he see's through the BS. It's actually having the opposite affect on him then those who instituted this stuff wanted. I figure in his world he will have to deal with this crap routinely and know how to navigate it.

Now, I do feel for the ones who buy in.
Well it looks like even though I don't enjoy the classroom subject. The teacher is fair on content.

He got an "A". :D

And she added, the video was excellent.
Awesome job!!!!
No grade yet. I'll let everyone know.

Yea it's a shame these classes exist today. I had them in college 30 years ago but they seem to have migrated to H.S.

Like bwoods said though (some ) of the kids mock it. I'm not bothered that my son is in this class because he see's through the BS. It's actually having the opposite affect on him then those who instituted this stuff wanted. I figure in his world he will have to deal with this crap routinely and know how to navigate it.

Now, I do feel for the ones who buy in.

Good for him!!!

I'd say that it's having the desired effect. Or at least the education itself is having it. It's allowing him to form his own opinion based on viewing other opinions. If we only surround ourselves with opinions that we agree with, we never have the ability to evaluate our stances.

I went to a very liberal college, but some of my best papers were those in which I was disagreeing with the majority opinion. My teachers truly did not care whether or not my argument agreed with theirs, but rather did I present my stance in an acceptable way and address the shortcomings and problems with my own stance AS WELL as with the opposing stance. This of course is much more applicable to issues of politics, not climate change, as ice and glaciers don't follow a political agenda.

Again, the best thing anyone can do is question everything, including our own beliefs. I applaud the young man for working within the guidelines!
He got an "A". :D

And she added, the video was excellent.
The video doesn't work anymore Bill :O I know this is an older post but if you still have the video can you repost it please? I would love to see it!
Missed this whole thread. Good on you and your son for taking issue with this stuff. Wish I could see the video. Thanks
Yikes that was 2015 when he was a freshman in HS. He just graduated college. it must have been on the schools youtube channel because its not on mine.
I'll have to see if he has a copy still.
I remember seeing it back in the day but it would be nice to see again. Well kind of remember it, getting old sucks.
I bet the social justice and climate stuff he encountered in college really fired him up. I missed this thread at the time but reading it now reminded me of my daughter being disgusted with some of her college classes and the indoctrination she encountered. She made it through and is now a RN but wrote some papers in college that were destined for bad grades because of her conservative viewpoints.
Good to see other kids who have the conviction to stick to their principles despite the peer pressure in our educational system.
Ha…I just started reading this without looking at the date…I was going to chime in too and the whole time I thought this was a college class he was presenting in. Then I caught on and looked at the date. I think my comments would have been exactly the same but it was funny non the less.
Not sure how I missed this but would like to see it too.
Sorry guys. Even my son can't find the video.
It's too bad it would have been cool to see again. And for him to watch when he's 50