Liberal teachers pushing their views

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Now teachers are the enemy???? Its called critical thinking. Its an important skill in life, try it sometime. Teachers, Colleges, Press and Scientists are liberal and have evil agendas to take your tax dollars and poison your children's minds. Really??? There's a conspricacy theory around every corner these days. Is every middle aged white guy paranoid, scared, and angry that someone is trying to take something from them? I hope not, but it sure feels that way.

Clearly some Liberal teachers do and that is wrong you were given examples of situations, do you think we are making it up? That’s not a conspiracy theory. It happened.

If you hear of a conservative teacher pushing Trump and his agenda on his students then I’d like to hear that please post examples, that would also be wrong.

No place for political stances at any level of education.[/QUOTE]
Here in NY that is somewhat a new norm that is acceptable for far too many imho it saddens me to be honest.
I took my daughter to a Trump rally in the summer of 2015 because it was only 20 minutes from us and I liked his platform. Thought it would be a good experience for my 14 year old to have and it was, she actually enjoyed it which I agree is a bit odd for that age. Anyway, when school started back up in September one of her classes had the usual "what did you do over the summer" sessions and she brought up the Trump rally amongst other things. She said the teacher stopped her after mentioning Trump and asked her questions like "do you think Trump is a racist"? And "how do you feel about him being a womanizer"?
She was crying when she told me this, obviously I am biased here but my daughter is a good kid that doesn't cause troubles and does things like opens doors for old people, she got in a fight at school sticking up for a boy that was repeatedly bullied a few others. In short she is a good kid, I am not going to lie, if it makes my daughter cry... I am pissed. I spoke with the Principal about what happened and he acknowledged that others have had similar problems with the same teacher and in fact, another kid told the Principal about my daughter crying after what was said to her about the Trump rally. The Principal said not much can be done except move her to a different classroom so we did. Just sucks that things like that are acceptable within our public school system. My daughter said that not many of her teachers like Trump which speaks volumes about Teachers freely giving their political opinion to their students. When I was in school I had no idea what party affiliation my teachers were, and strongly feel that is how it should still be today. Public schools are directly paid for by us and shouldn't be influencing our kids in any way with their personal political views. It only leads us closer to indoctrination.
I am not grouping all teachers together there, we have great teachers and I am thankful for them everyday. Many of them have to work twice as hard to keep our kids grades up during this pandemic. I do tell the Principal when I see this and let him know that they are doing outstanding work so I am not just a complainer lol My daughter is my life and if she is crying I am also upset.
Don't have anything nice to say... don't say nothin!

Private schools...private schools. Public schools are getting wackier and wackier.
My wife is a high school teacher, and also teaches CIS. For her to be able to teach CIS, she needs to go to the UofM about 10 days a year for training, and guides on what is acceptable to teach. Her CIS instructor is so liberal, and forces the teachers to only teach, and preach liberal agendas. I personally think it should be illegal! My wife being a teacher is a Democrat, but I have pulled her into the middle a lot since we have been married, and she can’t even stand teaching the kids this crap. Most of the topics the OP discussed are regular topics for teachers to teach in the CIS classes. My wife is planning on quitting teaching, because of all the politics in teaching, along with the helicopter parents.

My point is, this isn’t just a few schools that push this crap onto the students, it is wide spread! Wish there was something to make it stop, but at this point, I think it is to late.
School has been canceled in Wisconsin and my sons school switched to online learning for the rest of this school year. He is a freshman. While working on his classes today he asked for my help on picking a topic for an assigned project in his English class. He showed me the directions his teacher sent and I immediately had concerns. It is a research assignment on “Social Injustice”. The teacher made up a list of “social injustices” they were to choose from and said they were NOT to debate if this was a social injustice. They were to argue in their paper how and why their topic IS a social injustice. Her list of “social injustices “ included: The school to prison pipeline, Juvenile convictions following into adult life, racial profiling by police, solitary confinement in prison, racial inequality in prison, separating immigrants from children, voter ID laws, efforts to suppress voting by mail, targeted drone strikes, and many more liberal political topics. This is BS!! She shouldn’t be pushing her liberal political beliefs in the classroom. Way down the list was the decline of bee populations so my son picked that one.

To be fair, that is not an entirely liberal list of topics. Many of them are actually Libertarian or Conservative. Discussing a topic from an opposing viewpoint is a valuable lesson in critical thinking and an essential part of effective debate. It helps students to consider and understand the opposite side of the argument, which can strengthen their position on the issue, and in a debate a student MUST consider the other side's argument in order to be prepared to counter it.

You should use this assignment to help foster critical thinking in your son and to teach him the ultimate benefits of considering opposing viewpoints. Explain to him why he doesn't have to believe what his teacher (or anyone) tells him, but he should at least consider and understand their perspective.
Now teachers are the enemy???? Its called critical thinking. Its an important skill in life, try it sometime. Teachers, Colleges, Press and Scientists are liberal and have evil agendas to take your tax dollars and poison your children's minds. Really??? There's a conspricacy theory around every corner these days. Is every middle aged white guy paranoid, scared, and angry that someone is trying to take something from them? I hope not, but it sure feels that way.

Not a conspiracy if it is true. No one is implying all teachers. Certainly most colleges and press, there is no denying that. Both my kids have made comments that so and so teacher really hates Trump. What lesson plan would that possibly come up in for a 5th and 8th grader. Love you played the race card. Hard to crowbar that into this discussion but you did it. I am not paranoid or scared. Angry? Just a little. The amount of taxes I pay gives me the right to be angry when I see liberals in politics and the media force their agendas on us. Doing it in schools crosses what ever line that may be left, although the left has no lines.
Wait till college...
I had a conversation with my daughter when she was in her second year. Her premise was the US legal system is racist against African Americans. Her supporting argument was that penalties are higher for certain drugs. Some of these certain drugs are also easier to obtain and is most cases cheaper making them more desirable to lower income people. Now, I'm not a highly educated person, just a work a day guy. My rebuttal was they are still illegal. If someone else can explain her logic to me I'm all ears.
Now teachers are the enemy???? Its called critical thinking. Its an important skill in life, try it sometime. Teachers, Colleges, Press and Scientists are liberal and have evil agendas to take your tax dollars and poison your children's minds. Really??? There's a conspricacy theory around every corner these days. Is every middle aged white guy paranoid, scared, and angry that someone is trying to take something from them? I hope not, but it sure feels that way.

On an almost weekly basis we're able to read about censorship and protests of conservative speakers on college campus. We have seen stories of Trump apparel considered inappropriate and kids asked to change their clothes. In some instances, the flag too. If a conservative spoke against Greta Thunberg, it was conservatives attacking a kid. Yet, we also saw what the liberal MSM did to portray Nick Sandmann. That story dominated the news until we saw one side was lying.

And here, on a habitat forum no less, that I learn that all those things are the result of a middle aged white man's lack of critical thinking. Nice work on the race card. That always seems to be the go to.
I think they should close ALL schools and everyone can learn on line. The boat loads of money spent on public schools is a joke and a waste. In my area it is obvious the system is broken beyond repair. The vast majority of our teachers here are not qualified--period. Our superintendent wanted me to help the school with their finances and I told him the only way I could do that is if there would be total transparency(he would have to show me ALL of the numbers) and that was the last time he mentioned it. HMMM
I think they should close ALL schools and everyone can learn on line. The boat loads of money spent on public schools is a joke and a waste. In my area it is obvious the system is broken beyond repair. The vast majority of our teachers here are not qualified--period. Our superintendent wanted me to help the school with their finances and I told him the only way I could do that is if there would be total transparency(he would have to show me ALL of the numbers) and that was the last time he mentioned it. HMMM

The problem with this is the droves of worthless parents. Teachers job is to teach kids the info the school board and the state wants them to learn. At the end of the day the students do not belong to the teacher. Education starts with the parents period.
True... And true.
I think they should close ALL schools and everyone can learn on line.

You've said that more than once here. Do you REALLY think learning online is all that easy, and the solution to what you perceive as a waste of time and money? Or do you just have an axe to grind with teachers? I have been teaching online for the past 6 weeks now and I can share with you that my low level students have completely disappeared. Twenty students who come from low income households, households were trauma is a daily part of life, households where mom's nasty boyfriend has a lock on the fridge and a trail camera on the wall so my student won't "eat all the food" (not making that one up). I could go on and on. They are gone, and nobody can get in touch with them. Even with my mid-level students, I am only getting a 50% participation rate in the assignments and work I give. Sorry, but virtual learning for America's youth is pure fantasy. The kid who can't get enough to eat every night or gets beat up by dad before bed isn't going to give a rats ass about osmosis and diffusion.

Public schools can be goofy and frustrating I agree. I am also a parent of 2 kids who go to public schools and there are times that I shake my head and question what the hell went wrong. But to blame the situation public education now finds itself in on teachers is also pure fantasy. My school has a high percentage (about 50%) of low income and special needs students. We are a small, rural school with a tight budget. Still, we send kids to Williams, the Air Force Academy, RPI, etc. every year. So, despite the challenges, clearly our "system" isn't broken.

Are there bad teachers? Of course. Are they all bad? Fantasy. Bad parents. Liberal education laws and policies. Never ending cycles of poverty. Cell phones. Access to porn by age 9. Changing social norms. Loss of community. Loss of religion. Loss of civility. A culture of leniency. All of these combine in a toxic cocktail that poisons public education. The best students, and those from homes where education and respect for education is valued, will always do well..even in this toxic soup. The rest? Many fall through the cracks.

Sorry for the long post. I've been teaching 22 years or so. Just needed to add some perspective to the "all teachers suck" and "close all schools" argument you keep making.

Genuine question for you...from where did these feelings originate? Did you have a bad experience in a bad high school? Did you have a kid who had a bad experience?
Wait till college...
I had a conversation with my daughter when she was in her second year. Her premise was the US legal system is racist against African Americans. Her supporting argument was that penalties are higher for certain drugs. Some of these certain drugs are also easier to obtain and is most cases cheaper making them more desirable to lower income people. Now, I'm not a highly educated person, just a work a day guy. My rebuttal was they are still illegal. If someone else can explain her logic to me I'm all ears.

She's wrong. They are probably comparing crack cocaine to powder cocaine. Tell her to compare penalties for crack with penalties for meth, as it is a much more apples-to-apples comparison and refutes the racism claims.
I think it was said earlier. All teachers are not the same. Most are ok. The trend in education seems to be this political agenda by teachers . I actually know a teacher that wanted to become a teacher for just that. They felt that was going to be their mark on the world. Change society in the classroom. Good for the teachers that care and don’t have agendas but it’s so widespread now it’s a joke.
You've said that more than once here. Do you REALLY think learning online is all that easy, and the solution to what you perceive as a waste of time and money? Or do you just have an axe to grind with teachers? I have been teaching online for the past 6 weeks now and I can share with you that my low level students have completely disappeared. Twenty students who come from low income households, households were trauma is a daily part of life, households where mom's nasty boyfriend has a lock on the fridge and a trail camera on the wall so my student won't "eat all the food" (not making that one up). I could go on and on. They are gone, and nobody can get in touch with them. Even with my mid-level students, I am only getting a 50% participation rate in the assignments and work I give. Sorry, but virtual learning for America's youth is pure fantasy. The kid who can't get enough to eat every night or gets beat up by dad before bed isn't going to give a rats ass about osmosis and diffusion.

Public schools can be goofy and frustrating I agree. I am also a parent of 2 kids who go to public schools and there are times that I shake my head and question what the hell went wrong. But to blame the situation public education now finds itself in on teachers is also pure fantasy. My school has a high percentage (about 50%) of low income and special needs students. We are a small, rural school with a tight budget. Still, we send kids to Williams, the Air Force Academy, RPI, etc. every year. So, despite the challenges, clearly our "system" isn't broken.

Are there bad teachers? Of course. Are they all bad? Fantasy. Bad parents. Liberal education laws and policies. Never ending cycles of poverty. Cell phones. Access to porn by age 9. Changing social norms. Loss of community. Loss of religion. Loss of civility. A culture of leniency. All of these combine in a toxic cocktail that poisons public education. The best students, and those from homes where education and respect for education is valued, will always do well..even in this toxic soup. The rest? Many fall through the cracks.

Sorry for the long post. I've been teaching 22 years or so. Just needed to add some perspective to the "all teachers suck" and "close all schools" argument you keep making.

Genuine question for you...from where did these feelings originate? Did you have a bad experience in a bad high school? Did you have a kid who had a bad experience?
I don't believe I said ALL teachers. I've done a lot to try to help the local school turn things around but will never show up to a meeting where the outcome was determined before I left home. I'm not, and did not say there aren't people with problems but I'm not responsible for them. I do what a can for my family and am sick and tired of soooo many thinking I need to give them some of what I earned. If you know about child abuse taking place with any students of yours you should be reporting those crimes(ever done that?). If you have and didn't get the results you thought you should---that's the real world. Sorry for having an opinion about something and stating our very realistic situation where I live. I get---you like the word fantasy. To answer your therapy questions from above, no bad things happened to me or my children.
That's the exact comparison she made as far as specific drugs. Her and I debated that detail as well. I'm ignorant when it comes to such drugs and the laws surrounding them. It's something I've never concerned myself with. I still can't wrap my head around the logic of it though. Whatever form the illegal drug comes in it's still illegal. To me, that makes the ramification irrelevant.
I don't believe I said ALL teachers.

You didn't. About 30 pages back in the Coronavirus thread you said "most"..."most don't do a good job or care anymore."

Look at all the wasted money on school buildings, busses, teachers(most don't do a good job or care anymore). Kids can still get an education without the crazy expense to the taxpayers.

You also declared that kids can get an education without the crazy expense to taxpayers. I don't get that? I disagree completely, and was just wondering how you think that works?

and did not say there aren't people with problems but I'm not responsible for them.

Then who is? Dang man, I'm a right leaning, flag waiving, leave-me-the-f-alone, don't tread on me kind of dude...but I believe in taking care of those who are less fortunate. Isn't that the American way? For the kid who can't afford a private school, who comes from "the wrong side of the tracks", the poor, the abused, the hungry...isn't it in our very own Declaration of Independence that our government will provide that kid with the means to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? I think providing a public education is the least we can do towards that end.

I do what a can for my family and am sick and tired of soooo many thinking I need to give them some of what I earned.

100% agree. I just don't see how public education fits into that?

If you know about child abuse taking place with any students of yours you should be reporting those crimes(ever done that?).

Of course I have. I am a mandated reporter.

To answer your therapy questions from above, no bad things happened to me or my children.

I said it was a genuine question. I was genuinely curious where you developed this attitude. I hear a lot people bash principals and teachers and schools. I get it. It's all a part of the narcissistic, entitled, blame somebody else culture we live in. But I've never heard somebody say that schools should be closed and kids can teach themselves online. Just wondering.

I get---you like the word fantasy.

:emoji_laughing::emoji_thumbsup: I do. It's my new word. I've been watching the entire 10 years of the BBC sitcom Dad's Army at night during this whole lock down thing.

Dad's Army

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Well this thread just turned into a dumpster fire :(
There's a fine line between debating/arguing/mudslinging.
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