5 year old buck +
I went for my usual 7am walk today. I was walking across the field when I heard some loud crunching coming from our pond. It was a couple hundred yards away so I started that way .22 in hand. I thought it must be a beaver or porcupine snapping branches. I snuck over to the hedge row anticipating a beaver plugging up the over flow pipe again. When I peered through I was shocked to see a big old bear 22 yards on the other side. I took out my phone to take pictures then figured that might not be smart to make the bear curious. He never saw me and turned and walked in the woods. I fired several warning shots into the year while yelling. I expected to hear him crashing through the woods but heard nothing. I figured it was time to get out of there with only one .22 shell left. Bears are rapidly expanding into our area but my only other sighting was from a tree stand. All in all it was a pretty cool experience. I hope the warning shots send him on his way. What was he crunching? My father in law keeps a jar of dog food under a bucket to feed the fish. It has been there for at least 10 years never been touched. Last night him and my girls were feeding the fish. Pretty impressive how the bear could smell that and find the jar.