yea, im glad the snow is finally gone!!
As mentioned I had the forestry dept out for the 3rd time in the last year to keep the ball rolling on my hopeful TSI and my tree planting project.
I recieved an e-mail today laying out my sites & my specie reccomendations.
They said that there will be a total of 4840+- seedlings planted.
They say:
-1000 White Oak
-1000 Chestnut Oaks
-1000 Souther Red Oak or Black Oak
-Remaining 1800 my choice. Perssimon, Chectnut, Pecan, or more oaks. I am probably going to plant a significant number of chestnuts in this group but looking for reccomendations on the remainders?? Also any input on the 3000 oaks suggested above.
of the remain
Little more info for those fo you interested or wondering. According to my projected budget you can do large scale plantings with good quality seedlings for about $400 acre, that is hiring a professional planter. I am also going to put 2x3 weed mats around every tree for an additonal $125.00 per acre. So I am looking @ $525 per acre after mats and hoping to get $300+- back on cost share.
On a side note, I found out last week that I have been approved for cost share to plant 4500 trees on the 8 acres, kill the Tree of Heaven, and do TSI on my standing timber tract. My tree species will be White Oak, Chestnut Oak, Southern Red Oak, and Black Oak as reccomended by the Dept of Forestry. Hopeing to plant all my trees this fall!!!
A: Invasive Species Sites- Tree of Heaven
B: Tree Planting Sites
C: Timber Stand Improvment (TSI) Site