My biggest buck yet

Well done Chummer - gotta love when the work pays off. In my case I found that once you "break the ice" things seem to fall into place more often. It never comes easy, but it seems to happen more often. I got my first 3 year old in 2008, after that about every 2 years or so we seem to take a nice deer. Hopefully your place and efforts will follow suit and you will reach a point where you look at the wall and say, "I'm not sure where the next one will go.....I'm all out of room!"
I got my first mount back! I think he came out good. The neck was very swollen from the rut but I am not sure the measurements translate to the mount well. The taxi said it was one of the biggest necks he did all year. Regardless I will be staring at him all night with a bottle of vino.
I'll toast to that!
Nice Buck Chummer - you get to look at him for a long time now!!!