My biggest buck yet


5 year old buck +
Saturday started great. I saw 5 deer in the first two hours. I was pretty sure one was a buck chasing a doe and a fawn. At 10am this guy came trotting in. He was angled away at 50 yards. I hit the front shoulder and somehow it exited out the front of the neck(30 O6). He dropped in about 100 yards. I am pretty sure he is 3.5 and dressed out at 170 pounds. That is when the work started. He was about a 500 yard drag with a couple steep inclines. I had to enlist my wife to help. She was a trooper and got to witness her first gutting, she even held a leg. This is my first 3.5 yo in the last 4 years since starting habitat improvements and only my second ever on this property. The rub is, I don't have any pictures of this guy(until now). It makes all the work worth while and another example of how anything can walk by during the rut. I can't help but wonder if someone is checking their cams wondering where the basket 10 went. Well he won't be coming back! He will be my first mount and hopefully a baseline for more mounts to come. I am supper happy and if he is the only buck I see this year it will be a good year.
Way to go and congrats!
Congratulations on your buck and glad to see your habitat improvements paying off so well!!
Great deer ... he hs some character with those stickers & bump. Congrats!
Nice deer. I can't even imagine dragging it 500 yards!!!! My deer this year was around 180 and I had to drag it 40 yards to the edge of the field, and it just about killed me.
Nice job chummer!
Nice deer. I can't even imagine dragging it 500 yards!!!! My deer this year was around 180 and I had to drag it 40 yards to the edge of the field, and it just about killed me.
Thanks guys.
My wife and I are on the couch right now enjoying a bottle of wine. We are not pillars of good health. Neither one of has a muscle that isn't screaming. It is getting worse by the minute. We have aches places we didn't know we had muscles. This was her first time helping with a deer. She is so fired up over the experience but the joy is fading with every wince of pain that comes with every movement. I think it is great and there is talk of her taking the hunter safety class and to start hunting. Definately a good bonding experience!
Congrats chummer!
Congrats. Hopefully you can get out of bed in the AM.
Thanks guys.
My wife and I are on the couch right now enjoying a bottle of wine. We are not pillars of good health. Neither one of has a muscle that isn't screaming. It is getting worse by the minute. We have aches places we didn't know we had muscles. This was her first time helping with a deer. She is so fired up over the experience but the joy is fading with every wince of pain that comes with every movement. I think it is great and there is talk of her taking the hunter safety class and to start hunting. Definately a good bonding experience!
I would get some equipment to get those deer out of there. Ay least some of the way. That, or 2 bottles of wine. LOL.
Congrats on a nice buck!
Congrats on the nice buck Chummer!
Congrats chummer! That's great. Beautiful deer.
congrats man! thats a really cool looking buck!
Copngrats chummer on a great buck.!
Nice buck chummer!
Congrats, really nice deer.
Just got back to my computer tonight. Nice buck, Chummer !! 170 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at. It looks like he's been rubbing some hemlocks and pines with that darker, brownish rack. Attracting/holding does = nice visitors !! Congrats !!
Chummer, I wondered what happened to my deer. Looks like he moved to your place and you killed him. Look at that right brow.

They could be long lost brothers. Yours got the brains, he headed south.