5 year old buck +
I had to move my tower blind last year. It's only about 7' to the underside of the platform, so I had the rental job bring out pallet forks, as well as pallet fork extenders. That got me 6' of reach and made grabbing that thing easy as I could reach the far side of it. They're clumsy as hell to drive with them on if you're not hauling anything, but once you've got something on the forks, they work great. A guy could probably zip tie or duct tape them on so they don't hop off when empty.I have the 42” forks and wish I had bought the 48” forks.....on more than one occasion. Anyway, if you look at the center of the lower frame ther is a cutout section where you can install or remove the forks. Simply remove them, invert them, and re-install. Easy, peasy, lemon squeeze. The forks attach the same way on either orientation but lack the locking slot when inverted . I just use a couple of c clamps.
I’m working at my land today and just moved two blings before lunch and had time to brush out a shootI got lane too. Good method on flat land.
**If a guy had a welder at his hunting camp, maybe he could fab up his own easily enough?