Mountain lion in Milwaukee

Great! Just great! My first time in WI and I have to fear for my life.

Cough, cough, I think I may be coming down with something........cough, cough......

And to make matters worse. When some thing bad happens the cops take 3 hours to get there after getting raped.
The only good things to come out of Milwaukee are Harley's & a few good beers.
i don' t believe it's a Mountain lion, I believe the claim is a "african" lion. And they feel it's a female. It's made national news and stories are running all over. I am traveling this week in Denver and they are running the stories on the local news out here.

NOt a huge shock someone shot a pit bull, it was bound to happen. My old man was half in the bag and shot a skunk and wounded it. The thing ran under the camp and proceeded to spray and spray in the crawl space before it died. The place was unlivable for months. They had to get service master in to fumigate the place and clean everything. It was insane!!
LOL!!! That's why gun time and miller time need to be separated.
wtf. Cause a mountain lion and a pit bull look alike. These people are all freaking out. Would they walk into a dark woods with just a bow in hand? LOL
By the way I think it is funny the MJS paper had a picture of an African lion when they first heard that a lion was spotted. Not a mountain lion. For heavens sake.

Hey, city people. Sometimes you just never know.
There have been more reported sightings, one even claims there was cub. They are saying either young African lion or mature mountain lion (a captive one...apparently they think it is too fat for a wild one)
Well when saw the initial footage I immediately said female African lion, looked way to muscular in the front shoulder area to be a cougar. If it was a Mt lion, the "captive" thing would make sense, it sure looked on the large side for a wild Mt lion, especially the displaced "young" males they are always telling us are passing through the area from out west whenever we have a sighting.
I'm surprised, there is no law in Wisconsin about owing a cougar
Officials say there are many more big cats owned by individuals and farms in the United States than most people would guess — perhaps 5,000 to 10,000.

And Wisconsin is one of just six states where owning such an animal is not against the law, meaning there could be hundreds of such creatures in homes and on farms throughout the state. The other states are North Carolina, South Carolina, Nevada, Alabama and West Virginia

"Without state regulation, most of the exotic animal trade in Wisconsin occurs below the official radar and among people who may not be qualified to transport or care for the animals," said Donna Gilson, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.

"There's no way of knowing," she said. "There's not a paper trail."

Instead, it's up to municipalities to decide how to handle, or whether to tolerate, cases of pet big cats.

"It's really a patchwork," Gilson said.
I guess people are asking for the hounds to come in a tree this thing. I said.. So you are going to let a few hundred or even thousand dollar hound running loose in the city of Milwaukee?? People can't be that stupid. Could you imagine a pack of hounds running down in Milwaukee baying and baying as they cross busy road after busy road on the heels of a lion.
In 1961 there were reports of a mountain lion in the Milwaukee Area. The first report was in the Mequon area Feb. 24, 1961. They never did find anything to speak of.

On March 6, June Ellis, living in the 3300 block of N. 47th St., caught what might have been Milwaukee's big game when she found a large animal lying in the mud near her yard, took it into her garage, cleaned it off and discovered ... a sizable, female golden retriever with giant paws.

Not much was reported after that.

I kind of have the feeling this is how this story will turn out. It was just fade away without them finding anything.
They are putting out LION traps during the day but taking them down at night. Does anyone not realize Lions are nocturnal??? They are baiting them with chickens as they didn't want to use red meat. Lions predominately only eat red meat. This reminds me of..

One of my nephews.. We went fishing and his dad is a granola cruncher. I took my nephew and my son walleye fishing. He wasn't allowed to use crawlers or leeches but he could use hot dogs. You think I am kidding. I looked him in the eye. So it's ok to use a hot dog with a pig that was killed but you can't use a worm on a hook. So, I am dragging a "hot dog" harness for the kid in the water in spite before I lost my temper, and my son is dragging a "crawler" harness. Let the record also state, I did take extra hot dogs just in case we started a feeding frenzy on the eyes with the dogs. One of the funnier things I have ever seen in my life!! And no fish but did eat a hot dog mid way through the troll!!

They never give u a good shot. This sob had to walk past my crap cam. He did kill 3 deer we found dead in a half month. Skulls crushed in was the ace. No animal besides a cat grabs the head.
Never seen a sign since
Well, just got back from Milwaukee yesterday afternoon - no sign of it downtown, didn't appear to be good lion habitat however!!!