Mountain lion in Milwaukee

The murder rate in Milwaukee is up 94% this year. May restore some order to the streets?

Good point. I don't go to Milwaukee ever but if I did I would be way more worried about crime.
I went to college there (MSOE)...4.5 years. After that spent 2 years at 55th and GoodHope..not the worst place but kinda of close to some bad areas. Another 2 years in Bayview 2 blocks from the lake. That was nice.

My experience. Milwaukee is nice if your young, but shortly after having kids I had no desire to live there
Slightly off-topic, but along the same lines as the thoughts you guys have on the cat killing the crooks, letting them kill themselves, etc.

A member of my camp had a suggestion on how to clean out a batch of slime with no tax $$$ spent, and no cops risking their lives. Fill an 18-wheel trailer with all kinds of dope and park it in any " downtown bad area ". Right next to it park a trailer filled with loaded guns and lots of ammunition. Put up a sign that reads " Trailer full of cocaine, meth, crack, and heroin. Last one standing gets it ALL. "

I had to post this after I read you guys' thoughts on crime-ridden areas above. Sorry for semi hi-jack !!!;)
The problem is it doesn't stay in those neighborhoods. 15 years ago we had a few shootings a year, now we have them daily. I would love to see a map color coded by year to see the creeping effect. It used to be a few bad blocks now the shootings cover the whole city. they even shoot in the middle of the day now.
Scum up during the day? What's this world coming to?
The problem is it doesn't stay in those neighborhoods. 15 years ago we had a few shootings a year, now we have them daily. I would love to see a map color coded by year to see the creeping effect. It used to be a few bad blocks now the shootings cover the whole city. they even shoot in the middle of the day now.
And you have more gun control, right?
My fellow camp member was just joking, but it makes for some thought, doesn't it ??
dog shot.PNG
wtf. Cause a mountain lion and a pit bull look alike. These people are all freaking out. Would they walk into a dark woods with just a bow in hand? LOL

By the way I think it is funny the MJS paper had a picture of an African lion when they first heard that a lion was spotted. Not a mountain lion. For heavens sake.
I have to go to Milwaukee for business next Tuesday - you guys aren't helping........
I have to go to Milwaukee for business next Tuesday - you guys aren't helping........

You are going to die.
BJE80 - Do you live in Brookfield? My office (if I would ever go) is by Barker road and I94
BJE80 - Do you live in Brookfield? My office (if I would ever go) is by Barker road and I94

No. I live in West Bend. I don't go south of where I live unless something forces me to.
No. I live in West Bend. I don't go south of where I live unless something forces me to.

I don't blame you.
You are going to die.
Great! Just great! My first time in WI and I have to fear for my life.

Cough, cough, I think I may be coming down with something........cough, cough......
And you have more gun control, right?
Gun control yes. They are try to pass a background check for everytime you by any ammo. Can't wait to see Walmart handle that the weekend before gun season. This state sure is F-ed up, at least we don't have mountain lions.
I think your wrong chummer, I'm pretty sure a few years ago I read about a mountain lion that was hit by a car in New York. It was tagged and had traveled from the Black Hills SD up into Canada and dropped down into New York.
i don' t believe it's a Mountain lion, I believe the claim is a "african" lion. And they feel it's a female. It's made national news and stories are running all over. I am traveling this week in Denver and they are running the stories on the local news out here.

NOt a huge shock someone shot a pit bull, it was bound to happen. My old man was half in the bag and shot a skunk and wounded it. The thing ran under the camp and proceeded to spray and spray in the crawl space before it died. The place was unlivable for months. They had to get service master in to fumigate the place and clean everything. It was insane!!