Mock Scrapes Work!

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Have you ever tried the product called "Ever Calm" on your rub trees? Curious if it would aid in attracting more deer? Maybe it doesn't matter.

I tried it last year. I put it on rubbing posts, mock scrapes and active scrapes. I didn't notice anything special by using it.
Turns out that is just more snake oil also I guess....

Some guys love the stuff. I used the deer herd and rutting buck stuff. I also tried code blue but don't remember what scent I used. I will not be buying any this year.
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Turns out that is just more snake oil also I guess....

I used it on my boots one year and didn't see much benefit. Prolly couldn't hurt on the tree.

I think just sticking out in the open makes the tree a Likely victim.
I tried it last year. I put it on rubbing posts, mock scrapes and active scrapes. I didn't notice anything special by using it.

I've done the same. I can't say it appeared to help or hurt the mock scrapes. I've peed in a bunch myself, as well, with a similar outcome. I've got neighbors that swear by Ever Calm, but haven't noticed an impact either way in any of the ways I tried it. I'd guess one could make the case that means it's working in a weird way.

P.S. I'm 100% with Bill in believing that most important part is having the tree and licking branch standing out like a turd in a punchbowl. I'd also say that it helps a ton when there is a decent or better buck population. When you have decent buck numbers, I honestly believe it creates a feeding frenzy or sorts, scraping and rubing more than when buck numbers are low.
Phil - This pic on post #30 is the first time I recall seeing in good light the surroundings at your spot. I love that brushy cover on the sidehill behind the buck. Sorry about the limb deflection of your arrow - he's a good buck in the dark pic on post #31.

here are some pics of the autumn olive scrape in use last year. first up is the buck that i missed...when i called him in to spitting distance he had just worked this scrape over and began walking off right at first shooting light.

He's a beaut !! Have you seen him this year yet ??
I put 2 in over the weekend. I drove some heavy walled PVC pipe into the ground last year to act as a sleeve and then use my battery powered drill to run a few wood screws thru it to secure the tree/sapling in place. I don't have an auger and I'm not digging holes and the like either. I just back out the screws from last year - toss the dead sapling aside and place the new one and restive the screws and transfer the scent rope I use and kick some bare spots on the ground and take a little pee break. I have pics of young bucks from last year and will move my cams soon to these locations.
He's a beaut !! Have you seen him this year yet ??

nope...not yet. I only got one series of pics of him in august last year.....and he was just passing through....then i got the pics of him above on October 12th....then nothing again until the first time i saw him while hunting on November 9th. He was all over my hill all through November. As it turns out he spent all summer and early fall on a property about a mile away. That property belongs to my friend's step father. my buddy sent me a trail cam pic his step dad had on december he made it through rifle season last year. My buddy told me his step dad hasnt gotten pics of that buck so far this summer as of about 3 weeks ago. so who knows.
I hope he comes back to your place.
I put in 4 rubbing posts yesterday, just before a nice 1" rain to settle things down. Have cameras on all them. Last year I had real good luck with cedars. Here's a 3" willow in a clover plot and a 4" cedar in a brassica plot.

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Here are mine, I added some smokeys preorbital scent to them to try it out. The first one couldn't be any more out in the open in the middle of a two acre food plot.

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EK000048 (2).JPG Most of mine are getting rubbed and scented now. This nice 1 only walked past for a single pic. Anyone help me age him?
This nice 1 only walked past for a single pic. Anyone help me age him?

That's very tough to age for me. He's haunched up because of the other buck and the "tree", tail tucked and squinched up. If he was relaxed in a bean field with his gut hanging low I might go 4. But based on the pucker factor I have to go with 3 at best.

One thing for sure, he's a nice buck.
the ladies and the youngsters have been steadily using mine for the past several weeks. had a few young bucks stop in to check them out a couple of times. I still have about 3 weeks before i typically start to see some mature bucks at these scrapes.


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this youngster seems to be very interested in scrapes....i think this is the same fawn as in the pics i posted just posted above.
one of the couple young bucks that have checked out this scrape this month. I have been using this mock scrape for 7 years now. I have had to tie down several different branches to the right height over those years because AO tends to get brittle and by the time December rolls around the licking branch is usually destroyed and laying on the ground next to the scrape! Even when the primary licking branch has been broken off and the other branches are just a little too high, the deer still "use" the scrape. The deer will get right up on their hind legs and get into the higher branches and they will still paw up the ground and urinate in it as well.MFDC0035.JPG
i made this little "scrape line" along the down hill side of my plot...and 15-18 yds from my stand about 5 yrs ago. the branch on the far right is a hickory sapling that i bent and tied down so that the little "crown" of branches would be a scrape height. the branch that the doe has her snout on is one fork of the double forked maple branch that i tied down to make this scrape originally. Each one of those three single branches gets a scrape under it, by the time December rolls around it is really just ONE big scape with three licking branches.

Nice, Phil. Let 'em slobber all over those branches, pee & drop raisins all over in those spots. Nothing like a stinky scape line to sucker the big boys to come investigate !! I thought that 1st set of pix was at the usual AO where you've gotten good buck pix before. As long as those scents are on the wind, curiosity might just kill the cat. Those brassica greens don't hurt either.