5 year old buck +
The guys I’ve talked to in my area are not happy at all about the deer season. Several have said it’s the fewest deer they have seen, some saw (0). One guy said his group went 0-5 and he never saw a deer in 7 days of hunting. He hunts a prime farm too !
It’s a cumulative effort of terrible management and tough winters ! You can’t keep adding seasons, weapons, tags, early doe, youth, crossbow etc… and expect positive results.
The only way it will change is for the DNR to make the necessary changes by cutting back on seasons and tags… changing season structure.
They should send the warning out now in the offseason and let us know we are forced to make serious changes.
The letters to editor from Zone 1 (Outdoor News) have been very negative. The season should be closed up there until the deer population recovers ! No excuses ! It’s ridiculous!
F the MN DNR. They can go to hell. Where the hell are the brave COs or area managers for the northeast portion of the state??? They could be writing letters to Walz, requesting air time on TV, going to the steps of the capitol, testifying at hearings. THEY DO NOTHING. CO after CO is reporting piss poor deer hunting for the cuffs and collars, yet its radio silence from those brown shirt thugs. Get off your asses and DO SOMETHING already!! If 30 COs showed up on the capitol steps and asked for TV time something would happen.
The state of MN could sue the federal govt to get control of this. Take it back to court. ANYTHING!!! We dont have deer cause of wolves plain and simple. Its not CWD, its not climate change, its not deep snow. We'd still have some deer even with the deepest snow. They have none in a large portion of the state. They will probably respond to the poor numbers with a January and February baited hunt. F them!