MN Gun Opener Reports

Just a reminder that folks separate true party hunting from illegal sharing of tags. There is a difference.
What most of you describe is illegal all ready.

Times and deer management have changed. We used to manage for the hunter and there were plenty of deer.

That is no longer the case. Party hunting should be eliminated aside from intensive harvest zones.
... I thought hunting was supposed to be an individual activity, not a team effort.

Huh? I've always thought hunting was whatever someone or some group wanted to make it. If they wanted to hunt in packs like wolves, then let them. If they wanted to hunt solo like a mountain lion, then let them. If they want snipe from a distance sort of like a hawk, let them. If they wanted to lay and wait like a alligator, let them.
I could argue that party hunting should or should not be illegal. But our regs are sooooooo broken that it is not worth discussing much.

The argument that eliminating party hunting will result in less deer shot is a joke. The DNR determines how many deer they want shot, and goes with whatever regs they want to get them. If they want 5000 dead deer from a zone, and no-party hunting and one tag per hunting won't get it done, they will just go with no-party hunting and two tags per hunter. Eliminated party hunting may do many things, but it will not be the determining factor if more or less deer are shot. Anyone following the MDDI should get that by now. It's like the worry is not to improve everyone's hunting, but to improve their hunting the way they do it and think everyone else should to.
I could argue that party hunting should or should not be illegal. But our regs are sooooooo broken that it is not worth discussing much.

The argument that eliminating party hunting will result in less deer shot is a joke. The DNR determines how many deer they want shot, and goes with whatever regs they want to get them. If they want 5000 dead deer from a zone, and no-party hunting and one tag per hunting won't get it done, they will just go with no-party hunting and two tags per hunter. Eliminated party hunting may do many things, but it will not be the determining factor if more or less deer are shot. Anyone following the MDDI should get that by now. It's like the worry is not to improve everyone's hunting, but to improve their hunting the way they do it and think everyone else should to.

I think you have some very valid points DSD.
I agree there are good points there too.

But if I had a vote, I would say do away with it. If you want deer, shoot it yourself. I just cant get past that part of it.
Nothing against anyone that likes party hunting. I just dont agree with it. And nothing wrong with that opinion.
I agree there are good points there too.

But if I had a vote, I would say do away with it. If you want deer, shoot it yourself. I just cant get past that part of it.
Nothing against anyone that likes party hunting. I just dont agree with it. And nothing wrong with that opinion.

Agree, maybe the DNR would just sell more licenses but I would still get rid of it. At least we would have a more accurate account of who is shooting the deer. Better information helps us manage the herd more accurately and gets rid of the guessing of what demographic is harvesting the deer.
They should ask what primary area you are going to hunt when you buy a bonus tag too....
Thats why I say that... they try to input it in the system and it should reject it. You should only be able to buy a tag for units that have them available.

Now could someone lie? Sure. But if someone doesnt know, at least it keeps the honest(uninformed) ones honest.
Are there any early reports of harvest numbers from the opening weekend?
Duluth Tribune has the weekly CO reports updated. Not that its any surprise, but it sounds like the whole arrowhead had about 4 deer harvested.....
Well tom petty was right. "The waiting is the hardest part". Everything has gone dead here. Haven't seen a deer in 2 days and I'm going stir crazy sitting in my stand. Adhd and sitting still just don't make a good mix. It's so bad that even the squirrels have stopped moving.
It's so bad that even the squirrels have stopped moving.

Squirrels? What squirrels? Nobody knows where the squirrels have gone, and I can not find crap for squirrel related mortality on the DNR website. We have to change that before its too late.
Hunters register 54,000 deer during first weekend
(Released November 12, 2014)

Minnesota hunters registered 54,000 deer during the first three days of firearms deer season, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Final numbers from the weekend show that the number of deer registered dropped 30,000 from 2013. So far this year, including special hunts and the archery season, hunters have harvested 67,000 deer, down from the 2013 to-date harvest total of 100,000.

“Comparing this year’s harvest to harvests in previous years doesn’t necessarily reflect hunter opportunity or the number of deer on the landscape in 2014,” said Leslie McInenly, DNR big game program leader. This year’s lower harvest is by design because regulations were implemented to place more deer – particularly does – off limits to increase Minnesota’s deer population.

The DNR’s ongoing deer management work also includes upcoming revisions to the deer population goals for large portions of northeastern, north-central and east-central Minnesota. This is part of a multi-year goal-setting process for the entire state. People interested in helping set these deer population goals can get more information on the process and opportunities for involvement on the deer management Web page.

In much of Minnesota, the deer season continues through Sunday, Nov. 16. Additional deer will be harvested during the northern rifle zone season, which continues through Sunday, Nov. 23; the late southeastern season, which runs Saturday, Nov. 22, through Sunday, Nov. 30; and the muzzleloader season, which begins Saturday, Nov. 29, and continues through Sunday, Dec. 14.
If the math holds - 115,240 will be the take. But we won't kill that many. My box of beer bet was 113,000 and I am standing firm! HAHAHAHAHAHA to current 2nd place guesser MOBuckchaser---
Wow............ wow....
...this years harvest doesnt reflect the number of deer on the landscape.....

What utter clowns running this show.........
Should have known there would be a standardized answer to put their own "spin" on the results. They will never show their hand and have no reason to right now...
...this years harvest doesnt reflect the number of deer on the landscape.....

What utter clowns running this show.........
She is right, it doesn't reflect the number of deer on the landscape. THE HARVEST IS TOO HIGH!
A great tactic in politics is to take credit for that which cannot be proved or disproved. Kinda like jobs created or "saved." Can anyone envision any scenario where the DNR won't claim an overwhelming management success?

Yet anecdotal reports from around the state indicate hunters battled crops (CORN) and the weather – wind (WIND) was a constant factor, especially on opening day, and hunters also dealt with frigid temperatures, snow, and rain (RAIN).