MN Gun Opener Reports

I cannot understand how anyone can feel proud of a deer taken by poaching, baiting, theft, shining, or other illegal activity. How can you tell YOUR hunting story of the big 'un with a straight face? Baffling.
The shananigans that will be played this year will be a lot.... Lots of people frustrated about lack of tags they can get and using the ole party hunting excuse.....

My friend talked to a guy a few weeks ago down in Winsted that stopped at his house to ask about permission to bowhunt.... He didnt grant permission as he hunts the land he lives on....
They got to talking and the guy had already shot a doe this year in the general area.... Winsted is a lottery area, so there are no bonus tags. My friend began to quiz him about it, and he had bought a license for his girlfriend... Yes he told him that and didnt seem concerned about it all......

This party hunting thing really chaps my hide more than anything.

Oops.. off topic. I got drawn into the illegal activities portion that came up. :)

Yeah that is it....Wow desperation. Must be a Stearns County thing (LOL)

What I have found in MN over the years is that party hunting allows hunters to keep hunting all year. Some just don't stop when the shoot a deer.
Yeah that is it....Wow desperation. Must be a Stearns County thing (LOL)

What I have found in MN over the years is that party hunting allows hunters to keep hunting all year. Some just don't stop when the shoot a deer.

Good issue to be addressed in the new social deer mgmt process. We no longer manage the herd for the hunters or sustained yield. Eliminate tag sharing since we manage for a fraction of the deer we had 10 years ago.
Good issue to be addressed in the new social deer mgmt process. We no longer manage the herd for the hunters or sustained yield. Eliminate tag sharing since we manage for a fraction of the deer we had 10 years ago.

Absolutely. One tag and that hunter is done when his tag is on the deer.
Absolutely. One tag and that hunter is done when his tag is on the deer.
Cross tagging has no place in deer zones with more hunters than adult deer. Cross tag away when herd reduction is the goal.
Perhaps there is some compromise on the party hunt thing. Seems its most wanted on a northern MN hunt.....and it is one way to promote some tourism for the north country and provide something to do other than sit in camp. Perhaps it becomes a zone 1 thing? Or eligible for hunters when ALL parties are over 100 miles from home? (just thinking out of the box here)

Another idea is to offer party hunting (new name?) for Dads of youngsters or Old Duffers. (maybe I could become useful on a hunt? Grin :D)

As I say....just trying to think out of the box and perhaps compromise on the party hunting idea.
The purpose of going to buck only, lottery or even hunters choice, is to help the herd numbers.... anything that goes against that should not be allowed. Party hunting allows for additional deer to be taken that otherwise would be able to walk if there wasnt cross tagging.

The only time I feel crosstagging is a viable option is if deer must go, and that would only be an intensive harvest situation.

Just makes too much sense....

Too many cheaters in the whole crosstagging system as well. I cant tell you how many times i have heard of guys leaving tags at camp because they wont be back up.
I've never spoken to anyone who does NOT leave their tags at camp.
ZZSmith.....have you not spoken to me? ;)
Good issue to be addressed in the new social deer mgmt process. We no longer manage the herd for the hunters or sustained yield. Eliminate tag sharing since we manage for a fraction of the deer we had 10 years ago.

It isn't about the deer anymore. Cross-tagging allows for more hunter-hours and that makes more money for everyone except the people spending it, the hunters. And we don't manage the herd FOR hunters as you wrote. No rea$on for the $tate to eliminate cro$$ tagging. The number of does killed is already limited with a doe lottery, and try to kill all the bucks they don't care. Only need one buck to survive to service all the does in MN.
Report from Saturday night at the bar in zone 1, an intoxicated fellow stood up and asked the estimated 60 social folk for a show of hands on how many had killed a deer opening day.

One guy raised his hand.
Report from Saturday night at the bar in zone 1, an intoxicated fellow stood up and asked the estimated 60 social folk for a show of hands on how many had killed a deer opening day.

One guy raised his hand.
Hope it was Sandbur! ;)
Any numbers in yet from the opener?
Any numbers in yet from the opener?

I anticipate a Wednesday Star Trib release of opening weekend. It will read like this.

Low harvest in zone 1 as anticipated. Many hunters did not show up further attributing to low the harvest.

Harvest lower than expected in zone 2 due to standing corn and wind. Many hunters may have left early to watch the Vikings play and beat the snow. (Leslie does not watch football or deer hunt)

A bright spot was the metro area where no hunters were shot in any turf related trespass disputes, except for the 2 youth who killed a 16 year old boy in a dispute over who would keep a radio collared suburban squirrel killed near a known baited bird feeder.
A bright spot was the metro area where no hunters were shot in any turf related trespass disputes, except for the 2 youth who killed a 16 year old boy in a dispute over who would keep a radio collared suburban squirrel killed near a known baited bird feeder.

Got a couple funny looks as I bust out laughing at my desk at work...
My oldest boy got the update from Blackduck. 17 hunters hard at it for 3.5 days killled 5 small bucks and one nice 11. They saw 10 total deer in almost 60 man days. I told him they did pretty good from the reports I am getting. He was confused, as he is used to seeing deer fairly frequently.
Minnesota has very diverse habitat and weather. From east to west it can go from forest lands to range-like prairie.......and from south to north it goes from intensive agriculture to managed forest lands and huge lakes. Hundreds of miles separate very diverse climate situations too. Oftentimes agriculture will vary dramatically from one-county to the next. Sandbur's "south land" is dramatically different than where he grew-up a hundred miles to the north.

There is little doubt that the area manager at Little Falls is the worst game manager in the state of MN.....or at least the policies in that area are a disaster. Some of those guys need to be singled out and go looking for a new line of work....IMO. Other areas can be quite good....IF the area is not in the extreme cold north.....filled with wolves......or intensively managed for agriculture (or dense pine plantations). That is one reason why we have area managers. Some are definitely not doing the right thing for sportsmen.
I strongly agree!
Just a reminder that folks separate true party hunting from illegal sharing of tags. There is a difference.
What most of you describe is illegal all ready.

Reminds me of the gun control debate.

It's all ready illegal for a felon to possess this gun, but we will slap another rule on the law abiding people to take care of the law-breaker (felon).
Stu-You know two people who do not leave their tags in camp.
I am typically against additional regulation but given the trends I see I would be for eliminating party hunting in farm areas. I do believe there is a general attitude for many hunting parties to fill every tag if possible and great efforts are made to accomplish that. There seems to be a general disrespect or unawareness of the resource and therefore it’s abused.

I also see in my area the land being fragmented by the consolidation of farms and the selling of the wooded portions of the land. Near me century farms are being sold and consolidated into large farm operations that do not want the additional woods and taxes and therefore sell the woods to realtors/hunters. Eventually there are 6 hunters on every 40. There are many farms being held by elderly grandparents that have children/grandchildren that have no interest in farming therefore I see an acceleration in farm consolidation and a large increase in the fragmentation of the land.

There will be increased pressure on the herd from the land fragmantation and I would hate to see that coupled with the “Fill Every Tag” party hunting attitude increasingly pressure the herd.