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MN Deer poaching case, "Capt. Cory Palmer said he has never such an extreme case"

Four Seasons - If they are gonna auction that a$$hole's truck, they HAD to have a legal reason to do so. No judge / magistrate is going to allow the taking & auctioning of someone's vehicle on an assumption.

J-bird......... you said above that guys like this want to be seen as " deer hunting gods ". Yep - I agree. Do any of you guys remember a guy named Noel Feather? He was all over ads in hunting mags selling his secret formula ( scent ) for drawing in big bucks like the P&Y trophies he killed. Turned out he was baiting / poaching to get his P&Y trophies. Arrogance, pride, and $$$. There's a recipe for ya.
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I'm sorry - a trophy of any sort isn't in the physical possession of some trinket or symbol of success. A true trophy is in the heart and mind of the journey and experience that got you there. You want to cheapen that experience by cheating in some form just to obtain, that now hollow trinket or tarnished symbol, simply because you value other peoples opinion of you more than you value your own opinion of yourself? If that is true - than you really have lost, regardless of the physical reward involved.

Shallow acts are signs of shallow men.
Four Seasons - If they are gonna auction that a$$hole's truck, they HAD to have a legal reason to do so. No judge / magistrate is going to allow the taking & auctioning of someone's vehicle on an assumption.

J-bird......... you said above that guys like this want to be seen as " deer hunting gods ". Yep - I agree. Do any of you guys remember a guy named Noel Feather? He was all over ads in hunting mags selling his secret formula ( scent ) for drawing in big bucks like the P&Y trophies he killed. Turned out he was baiting / poaching to get his P&Y trophies. Arrogance, pride, and $$$. There's a recipe for ya.
I hear that but i live on the Canadian border and very close to an indian reservation that is the Green Bud Highway to get the smooth smokin bud's from Canada into the states. When they walk around a truck/car with a dog and get a hit that the car has weed, they shred the thing looking and when they come back clean you get your car back. When they do find a pound or two then they take the car for their..Drug Fund. To takes the guys truck on a whim that he..May...have at one time had an untagged deer or spotlighted out of it..Wont hold water in court with a good lawyer. Thats why i ask about the 8pt they found with him at the time?
They won't be able to keep anything unless they can prove it was used in a crime or it is a crime to have it in his possession. They can confiscate for processing, but they can't keep it if it isn't true evidence in a crime.
I'm sorry - a trophy of any sort isn't in the physical possession of some trinket or symbol of success. A true trophy is in the heart and mind of the journey and experience that got you there. You want to cheapen that experience by cheating in some form just to obtain, that now hollow trinket or tarnished symbol, simply because you value other peoples opinion of you more than you value your own opinion of yourself? If that is true - than you really have lost, regardless of the physical reward involved.

Shallow acts are signs of shallow men.

Thats deep stuff
Well said JBIRD!
I have my moments. It's not all beer drink'n, lead fling'n and ball scratch'n - just 99.99% of the time!
The news story is not too far from where I hunt.

Couple of years ago during muzzleloader season we heard all kinds of AR-15 gunfire in the area, guys where driving around spraying the cattails with bullets just to get the deer out of hiding. Bunch of lowlifes.
I like your sig Buck... :)

Where ya been man??

Been fishing quite a bit out in SD. Have been removed from some of the other forums and censored from another. This will have to be my home from now on. You guys are stuck with me.
Four Seasons - If they are gonna auction that a$$hole's truck, they HAD to have a legal reason to do so. No judge / magistrate is going to allow the taking & auctioning of someone's vehicle on an assumption.

J-bird......... you said above that guys like this want to be seen as " deer hunting gods ". Yep - I agree. Do any of you guys remember a guy named Noel Feather? He was all over ads in hunting mags selling his secret formula ( scent ) for drawing in big bucks like the P&Y trophies he killed. Turned out he was baiting / poaching to get his P&Y trophies. Arrogance, pride, and $$$. There's a recipe for ya.
Noel-I watched him giving a rattling seminar. He shot deer in pens and claimed them as state records.
ODN today, 4 men plead guilty in '13 deer-poaching case. One of the 4 faces $500/deer fines and the 4 a total of more than $10,000, along with 2 vehicles, two rifles, and a spotlight were CONFISCATED for auction.
Same case as this topic? Or is this a different one now??
Different one! Aitkin County District Court.
Do not get pine journal, but do get outdoor news. These cases should be in every newspaper in the state. If you play the game, sooner or later you will be caught. Names should be always be made public. Do you really think losing hunting privileges will stop them? HAHA Maybe it is time for a felony when fines are more than X number of dollars, then prison time if caught again with a weapon.
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Do not get pine journal, but do get outdoor news. These cases should be in every newspaper in the state. If you play the game, sooner or later you will be caught. Names should be always be made public. Do you really think losing hunting privileges will stop them? HAHA Maybe it is time for a felony when fines are more than X number of dollars, then prison time if caught again with a weapon.

It is kind of local for the Pine Journal and only about 15 mile from where I hunt which I why I ended up seeing it in that paper.
It would make a CO's life much easier for certain. I have heard first hand of people yakking about their party hunting antics. No different than any other year really.
I am tired of listening to the same old crap people pull with tags in camp and the owners no where near.....

People whine that ending cross tagging doesnt fix the problem because people will still do it... Fine. Honest people will be honest about it, and the CO's will have a much easier time nailing the cheats.

I sent an email to Soring last month asking for a report showing the trends of cititations over the last 10 years on crosstagging violations. I was told by his staff that to get that information would be billable to me.....
I spoke with the CO for our area and he said crosstagging violations are the most common citation that he issues and people are becoming very creative in how they do it.