I will tell you, Wisconsin doesnt need more seasons. Bow season starts in September and goes until mid January. Gun season starts with youth in October, and there pretty much is some sort of a gun season going until New Years, between youth, veterans, gun season, muzzle loader season, doe only, Holiday hunt, I am sure I missed a couple.
For those that think crossbow is the end to all evils, go buy one, lug it around some state land, find a spot to hunt, and sit and shoot a bunch a deer with it. Then come back and preach to us how easy it is to kill all of your deer with it. You may think a crossbow is so simple to hunt on your deertoppia, but in the real world, they are heavy, cumbersome, akward to get shots with, and require expensive maintenance. I dont foresee a bunch of new hunters entering the sport because of crossbows, and if they do, they wont stay because of the cost. If ease is what they are after, then a gun is much easier.
It certainly is no gun, and while it isnt a compound bow, it is much closer to a compound bow then a gun. If I was a healthy guy with no shoulder issues, I would use my compound bow to hunt 9 out of 10 times over a crossbow.