MM106 Rootstock?


5 year old buck +
Looking for ordering next year and always see the B118 or M111 mentioned as the "go-to" rootstocks.....that being said, The Wildlife Group only uses the MM106 rootstock.

Anyone with more knowledge than me know much about it?
I would let your soil type determine what rootstock you are using rather than what a particular nursery wants to sell ya but thats me.

I have very sandy soil on our farm and anything MM grows like crap, B118 does 1000000x better. I won't waste my time with anything MM anymore, just not worth the time or money for me.
106 does good on my loam/clay soils.
The soil they would be going into (SE Ohio) is heavy clay......walk around with boot on wet dirt and it sticks so bad you have to scrape your boots off so they dont weigh 100 lbs.

Would they be ok in that soil?
Here's a site that gives pros & cons on rootstocks.
The soil they would be going into (SE Ohio) is heavy clay......walk around with boot on wet dirt and it sticks so bad you have to scrape your boots off so they dont weigh 100 lbs.

Would they be ok in that soil?

Sorry, but I don't have experience with clay that heavy. But as others have stated, everything you read says 106 would not be a good choice in that soil.
Its not necessarily a poorly drained soil, actually pretty well drained and never standing water.....just slick/sloppy when wet and early spring from all the moisture.

Ill have to look into it a bit more.....realistically I think most would grow fine but I have nothings to back that up with! Haha.