Rootstock for Sandy Zone 3 and backyard gift tree rootstock M7?


5 year old buck +
Still thinking of putting a few more trees up at camp. Got (2) 30-06 on B118 that need to go somewhere else other than the backyard. Camp got rezoned from 3B to 4A. Still think Canada's cold can put some hurt on trees up there. So much is discussed about the scion, but not much on the cold hardiness of rootstocks. Thinking B118 might be able to live up there. Have antonovka up there and got a few dolgo from last spring that are big enough to graft. Anybody try something else in zone 3 that worked? I have domestic crabapple, domesitc apple, and transcendent crabaaple roostock from willis in my nursery since spring of 2023.

Also, gift trees to folks who will put them in their backyards. Thinking M111 will be too big for the avaerage hunter / gardener? Got a mehrabyan nursery order for antonvoka and M111 already. Thinking of using M7. I do have an enterprise and sundance on M7 coming to my house. Got enough tree orders already, so Im buying a couple more from that nursery maybe. ONly other option that's not too small is elma 26. Anyone got a pic of a mature M7?
Mature M7? Not really mature but 8th leaf bareroot on hillside semi crappy light soil. From Wallace Woodstock nursery which some claim is supplied by Baileys and they use M7 stock. Wallace tends to use (or use to anyway) semi and full size wording so not stating what it is precisely. Based on these are 5 ft cages and tree sizes believe the M7 theory is probably 80-90% correct

DSC02452 Enterprise west med.jpg

Honeygold planted same day. Has had consistent fruit last 4 yrs.
DSC02454 Honeygold west med.jpg
What zone are those trees in? They say enterprise is slow to bear fruit. PArt of the interest in the enterprise in M7. How many years has that tree put some fruit on?

Any issues with M7's making root suckers.
Trees are in 4b but not far from 4a. Probably changed with new zone definitions but whatever.

Agree Enterprise seems slow out of the gate. First yr that tree had more than a few apples and was a couple yrs behind Honeygold in fruiting. 2nd Enterprise not shown is still in stingy mode.

Never paid much attention to the root sucker question to be honest but not on a pristine home lawn landscape. I do have a crab that root suckers like crazy. When it gets outside the cage and I mow them over on the path I notice!
What zone are those trees in? They say enterprise is slow to bear fruit. PArt of the interest in the enterprise in M7. How many years has that tree put some fruit on?

Any issues with M7's making root suckers.
I've got 3 enterprise in 4a on B118. Planted 2013/14. They are really putting out the fruit now. Last few years really. Trees are good size now too.

With all apples/crabs, have to look 10 years down the road. Sure, you'll get apples on most in 2-3 years but that's pretty meaningless compared to 10 years. My 2016 planted Violi's Hanging just fruited this past year for the first time. It was a good size tree and loaded. Will be curious to see if it continues this next year or tends to be biennial.

That Violi is from St LAwrence or grafted on something else. Another proclaimed slow to bear is the antonovka rootstock.


Whats your take on enterprise? I have a 2nd enterprise growing in the nursery. Think it tastes good enough for a 2nd tree? I have doubles of liberty, pristine, and maybe enteprise. Just debating whether I want more varieties or more disease resistant multi-purpose apples. I have freedom, macoun, empire, and mcintosh as similar apples. Golden delicious might be in the category too. Might wnt kerr to be a double instead. Wife put the kebosh on orchard expansion. She mght be on to something, the trees are invading on food plot space.
Like Enterprise enough that going to plant a couple more on standard size rootstock, one for me and other for a friend nearby. Ripens later and hangs late too. A bit of a hard apple with thick skin when first ripe but has an excellent shelf life. Family member said that was great in a pie and applesauce when used about 1-1/2 months after picking.

Fresh eating off a tree is decent but not close to something like Cortland which is near top of list for right off a tree in my book.
Like Enterprise enough that going to plant a couple more on standard size rootstock, one for me and other for a friend nearby. Ripens later and hangs late too. A bit of a hard apple with thick skin when first ripe but has an excellent shelf life. Family member said that was great in a pie and applesauce when used about 1-1/2 months after picking.

Fresh eating off a tree is decent but not close to something like Cortland which is near top of list for right off a tree in my book.
I keep on this topic, I'll have every variety from cornell. Wanted some homemade apple sauce or something baked. Got some granny smiths tonight, She needs another apple, but not her macouns in the fridge.

Got mcintosh, empire, macoun, and will have scion for NY 414-1. Basically a macoun made from liberty, ripens a few weeks earlier too.
I keep on this topic, I'll have every variety from cornell.
Atta boy! Keep it up and I'll know who to get scion from in the future for all those must have trees....
Atta boy! Keep it up and I'll know who to get scion from in the future for all those must have trees....
NY 35 has been catching my eye..... Bonkers. Named for the people who cultivate this variety.......