5 year old buck +
- Location
- Ottertail county, mn
Yes, last year I planted 4 acres of Eagles mixed with ag beans. I put roughly a half bag of each in the hopper of my 3 row planter and planted like normal. I had a great mix of both ag and forage beans in the plot and the forage beans did exactly what they were supposed to. Kept the browse pressure off the ag beans so they could produce pods. It worked out great for me and I plan to do it again when that plot rotates back to beans.Has anyone experimented with mixing forage soybeans with Ag beans to help get beans through browse pressure? I’ve only planted forage beans once (Eagle) and had pretty good success with them but I’m assuming they will out compete the Ag beans. I’m sure they could be planted along the outer rows of a plot eith Ag beans in the middle, but just curious if anyone has had success mixing the two?