Missouri hunters?


5 year old buck +
Who's hunting tomorrow? Good luck to everyone that is and remember to stay safe!
I plan to hunt the ev. Haven't been to the farm in awhile. Hoping the low pressure sneak attack pays off!
You going out?
Bugs and cobwebs everywhere....I can't wait for the first frost :)
To warm for me, good luck if you go.
I just pulled chips out of 11 cameras on known good spots. Not one buck over 130 after a 2 week soak. WTF?

I think I am at the right place I hope.

I will sleep in, in the morning!
Same thing at my place. Acorns are starting to slowly fall on the east coast. Wonder if that's not the case in MO also.

We had a long dry spell this summer and that usually makes em fall early.
Same thing at my place. Acorns are starting to slowly fall on the east coast. Wonder if that's not the case in MO also.

We had a long dry spell this summer and that usually makes em fall early.

We have no white oak, burr oak or Red oak acorns here at my place in Northern missouri this year. They must be eating shingle oak acorns!
We're still working and learning the new property. My son and I are going to hang stands this weekend and check on our plots. We have two cameras out so we'll check those too. We hope to get out next weekend for an evening hunt but his school schedule will limit us for a couple weeks. It's still exciting - we did have three bucks hanging together in the subdivision the last two nights but all that does is get the blood flowing. Can't hunt here.
We have no white oak, burr oak or Red oak acorns here at my place in Northern missouri this year. They must be eating shingle oak acorns!

Same experience in NC MO. Shingle oaks had acorns and that is about it. Harvested a doe in KS on Tuesday and will try to get out this weekend in MO, but I just came down with a nasty bug this AM.

Good luck to everyone who does go out!
Central / Southern i'm finding the opposite. Seems like we've got quite a few acorns this year. Could make for a little tougher hunting down this direction with the large patches of woods. We'll see...may just be the few oak tree's i've paid attention to :)
Has anyone ever seen a deer bed immediately down after a clean miss? I thought I hit him, but the arrow looks completely clean.The surprising thing was he bedded down (10 yards away within seconds and started looking around. I tried to put another arrow in him, but it was extremely wooded. My initial reaction to my first shot was far back and high. (I also vividly remember seeing sparks and a loud crack maybe hit a branch?). After the second shot he got up and hopped away. ( Not crazy fast either) anyone ever seen a deer bed when surprised/ confused on a clean miss?
My first bow kill ever,over thirty years ago, was a clean miss right underneath her. She jumped back, startled to be sure, and just stood there for probably twenty minutes on high alert. Then she suddenly relaxed and walked in front of me broadside inside of twenty yards. I had enough time to stop shaking, calm down and refocus for a good shot. While I've not experienced anything else similar I'm sure it's not an uncommon response. Rather than run headlong into an unknown threat, from who knows where, I can imagine a deers instinct at times is to hunker down and rely on its senses.
Has anyone ever seen a deer bed immediately down after a clean miss? I thought I hit him, but the arrow looks completely clean.The surprising thing was he bedded down (10 yards away within seconds and started looking around. I tried to put another arrow in him, but it was extremely wooded. My initial reaction to my first shot was far back and high. (I also vividly remember seeing sparks and a loud crack maybe hit a branch?). After the second shot he got up and hopped away. ( Not crazy fast either) anyone ever seen a deer bed when surprised/ confused on a clean miss?

Well I found my arrows clean misses. ( glad I didn't wound him)I still can't believe I missed a 18 yard broadside shot. First arrow hit a branch. I can't seem to get over my buck fever.
Mixed results for us today. Our intention was to go out and hang a couple ladder stands. Neighbor had 5 inches in his rain gauge this week. I'm not sure how accurate that is but we sure had a lot the last three days. We decided to go down and check out our food plot trails and my brother was going to cut down a couple scrub trees from our camp ground area. The food plot trails look great. I'll post a couple pictures in a few minutes. The oats and rye are really taking off. If you expand the pictures you can really see the radishes and clover too. They're all two weeks old today.

On the negative side of things we've had a wet spring and summer, which in late September and October means YELLOW JACKETS. I must've dragged a branch over a nest and my shirt must've got untucked working. 23 stings later I called it a day (4 on the back of my head, 3 on my arms, 1 in my arm pit and the rest on my back. Fun times! I think tree work will be after the first hard frost now.
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Im very pleased with the trails. image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
You know you missed now so this is no help. I had a liver shot a couple years ago. The deer acted like it wasn't hit walked twenty yards and laid down. It died twenty minutes after that and the whole time I wondered if I even hit it.