Was out second week of September. Slow start first couple of days and a lot of folks around. Moved locations and got in deeper on road not really suited for a stock truck, but we made it... Got into elk (woke up first night to bugles all around at 3 am and never went back to bed) but were chased out of the spot because of a impended storm and 2.5 inches of rain. Woke up to thunder at midnight despite a clear forecast and raced out of there in the dark. The roads become impassible (turn to gumb) with rain... Didn't want to get stuck. Spent a couple of days in a hotel on other side of unit waiting for the roads to improve enough to get to hunting area.. Got a flat and couldn't get a tire delivered until near end of hunt so had it double patched (some of the cording was cut)... Eventually ran out of time because it kept raining. In hindsight, should have buried ourselves back in there and hoped it would dry out enough to get home. We were hesitant to commit to a spot because we moved to other side of unit. Just didn't realize how long the roads would take to get back into better shape.. Not our best showing..