Misc. Pics from the orchards


5 year old buck +
An Ashmeade Kernel apple tree on Antonovka rootstock. Planted 2001 It has it's best crop this year.

I've bagged some of the apples with plastic ziplock bags to see if it keeps the bugs away.


My Purdy apple tree also on Antonovka and planted in 2001.



A Viola crab from SLN planted 2011.

A Winter Wildlife crab from SLN planted 2005

Thanks for looking.

Nice looking trees Rick. I'll be glad when mine get close to that size.
Very nice. Great job!!!!
Nice looking trees.
Rick, we'll done. Those trees look great. I think I managed to get 4 of those Violi's to take this spring. Thanks for sharing the pics and the scions.
Nice trees, looks like you have a good crop of apples this year
Those are really looking good
Nice looking trees, I can't wait to get to that point.
Nice job Grey! How do you like that Viola Crab?
Nice job Grey! How do you like that Viola Crab?

This is the first year that it's had fruit on it, but it looks like it will produce a nice sized crabapple.
The Violi crab we have at camp has 2 apples on it the size of ping-pong balls as of Father's Day weekend. First fruit.
Trees look great! I had a Violi produce a single crabapple last year. Apple was about the size of Chestnut crab and attractive. It was still hanging in November but lost track of it at that point. I have 4 Violi's in the yard, 2 have a decent crop this year, 2 haven't started bearing yet. Trees are pretty well behaved and sturdy. I'll know more this winter hopefully.
How old are your Violi's Deepsleep ??