5 year old buck +
ranetka is used by saint lawrence nurseries. hey say they use them on tougher to graft crabapples. Likely their winter wildlife, AWHO, and violi's could be on ranetka. They call them siberian this year, but was calling these ranetka 2 years ago. Not sure, if they changed or not. IF they are growing these from seed, might be difficult to call them ranetka. Who knows what they cross polinated them with.
Seeds – OIKOS Tree Crops
Man Vs. Wild Crabapple Crabapple Wins Hardy apple,extreme cold tolerant, produces uniform seedlings

Siberian Crab - Malus baccata
1 to 3 ft. treesWe use Malus baccata as a rootstock for our grafted crabs, and some compatible non-crabs. It is exceptionally hardy, even beating out Antonovka, but generally less accepting as a rootstock. A standard sized tree, it will bear fruit of variable size and quality.