Mine still hanging

^ ^ ^ TreeDaddy - I'm glad I found this forum back around 2009. I lurked for a couple years before I tried posting anything. The guys on here saved me a TON of time and money .......... so I try to "pay it forward."

I STILL learn new things here.
So it sounds like treat your habitat projects like your retirement portfolio and focus on diversification.

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So it sounds like treat your habitat projects like your retirement portfolio and focus on diversification.

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And just like that, you do some research about what to choose and think about why it fits your need. Taking a chance on a few things is ok and a few losers are ok. But you can make good decisions that set you up for success.
OK, thanks, CL.

I am at 43.
Checking today ..... I have several EO's still holding a decent amount of acorns.
OOOOPs, replied to the wrong thread. I was on the English Oak thread ..... shoulda commented on apples & pears.

And I can do that.

First, I would suggest to all that when you are talking about planting times, harvest times, drop times, etc......well, if you would simply add to the post what your latitude is at the spot that you are referencing. So much of our habitat efforts are influenced by how far north our deer dirt is....or how far south.
Telling us your latitude give us some better idea on what you are dealing with vs what we may have north....or south of you.

Anyway, I am a latitude 43 degrees....in mid-Michigan farm country..
I've already mentioned my English Oaks...some of them....are still hanging acorns.
But my apples: Redfield, Goldrush, Galarina, and even (surprise, surprise) a Golden Delicious......are all holding well, with very few drops. My Dolgo has dropped although there are about 100 to 200 'mummies' remaining. Long down ae my Williams Pride, Florina Querina, Liberty, Pristine,, Whitney.
Seedling crabs I cultivated from favored wild trees ...... are holding well.

My Kieffer pears are a good 75+% dropped...depends upon the tree. They all had a huge year, which surprised me given our late frosts.

I have a half-dozen or so seedling pears that I grew from a pear tree I've long admired in a local farmers front yard. Those seedlings are my home-run.

They produce abundantly....tho late frosts do hurt them as they bloom relatively early.....and they produce a fruit about the diameter of a quarter coin. And they trickle down, they hang late, and deer seem to love 'em. They had a very good year and are doing now....what I just posted. Hanging late, trickling down slowly.
I have a couple wild pears that are still hanging and hard as a rock.
I'm at 41.8
I'm at 42

As of 11/9, still hanging
25% - Liberty, Florina Querina.
50% - Wolf River, Golden Delicious
90%+ - Enterprise, Gold Rush, Kerr, Sundance, Suncrisp
Similar Natureboy... 42.3

As of 11/8, still hanging
25% - Florina, Ida Red
50% - Wickson, Galarina
90% - Goldrush

Useful knowledge for Liberty, Enterprise, Kerr, and Sundance. I have those in the ground, but not producing as of yet. I'm delighted to hear yours hang into November.
I didn’t have that great of a fruit set this year with late freeze.
Still have Arkansas Black and some Keiferrs hanging…also GH/30-06/Droptine crabs. The crabs normally will linger on most of the winter.
We had a widespread 27 degree frost last night.
That about finished off my Kieffer pears, most of what had survived to this point dropped this morning or last night. Virtually all trees are near empty....tho some may have a couple or 3 or 4 fruits hanging. In truth, they lasted longer this year vs prior years. I'm mildly sure that is because most trees had a heavy crop of fruit, and, Importantly, .....we had zero frosts in October (first time in my lifetime).
I noted that quite a number of my sugar maples have dropped their leaves in the last two days (both mornings with strong frosts)
I didn’t have that great of a fruit set this year with late freeze.
Still have Arkansas Black and some Keiferrs hanging…also GH/30-06/Droptine crabs. The crabs normally will linger on most of the winter.

Shook some 30-06 off the tree this morning (I'd guess it was holding 80%+), they all splattered like spoons full of apple sauce. I'm sure the deer will lick them up lol.

Southeast Michigan. 6A. 42.2
I did a walkabout today, after several nights of frosts. Am on 43 latitude. Michigan.

All my grafted pears are now empty. All fruit dropped. And all fruit eaten.....none on the ground. Something happened in the deer/pear dynamic within the last 10 days. Whereas prior, pears would drop...and sit on the ground. Uneaten. Now they are gobbled up immediately. Yeah, I dunno either.

My seedling pears are still much loaded.....though trickling down. I find maybe a half dozen fruits under each tree. But they seemed to be eaten each night....and new ones drop.

My English Oak acorns are now all empty....maybe a handful of stragglers, but for all intents....they are now empty.

On my apples: Still much loaded: Redfree, GoldRush, and Galarina.
My Golden Delicious has a fair amount of fruit, but it is much degraded. Rotten and bird & worm damaged.
Seedling crabs....like the seedling pears....are still carrying most of their fruit, and trickling it down.

Deer are starting to now more aggressively graze my Winfred Brassica and PTT's.

I planted Pearl Millet for the first time this year.....and it came in beautifully.
However, as a newbie to it....I screwed up and planted too late for my latitude.
I have great foliage and head development (6', 7')....but no seeds. It's like a corn cob with no kernels.
I planted July 22nd. Should have planed June 1st.
So I learned a lesson. And that's OK. I'm playing with 'deer dirt'. Not trying to feed China.
Will plant more timely next season.
And..... I AM definitely gonna try Pearl Millet again.

BTW...speaking of pears. I have a half dozen Ussarian Pears grown from seed. And they are living up to the old adage': 'Pears are for your heirs'. They've been in the ground...from seed...for 8 years and none has set a single fruit. But my trees are tall, well proportioned, and handsome. I am hopeful. I picked up fruit from a couple of very loaded trees at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle IL.......and have grown these trees from those seeds. Supposedly, from what Google tells me they will come true from seed.
I'll find out.....whenever those tardy souls finally deliver.
Went to camp for a 1-day trip yesterday. Goldrush, Franklin Cider, Kerr, Winter Wildlife crab, All-Winter-Hangover crab, Nova Scotia crab, Enterprise, an SLN wild seedling with greenish apples, and our older, late-hanging unknown apple are still holding apples. I didn't get time to go around to look at all apple trees either. There may be more varieties still holding. A good number of our trees have yet to bear fruit. Each year we gain more fruit crop as the trees grow bigger.

We have more of Sandbur's seedlings and Blue Hill Nursery trees to plant in the spring too !!! :emoji_sunglasses: More areas have opened up.
Anyone have a Dec 1 update to share? Haven't been able to check my NWC crabs in 3 weeks.
Good thread!

First I didn’t have a great fruit set this year due to late frost.
As of yesterday December 3rd I have one keiffer pear with a few left hanging.

Golden Russet- apples that are left hanging are half dried up.
Liberty- few apples still hanging
Arkansas Black- few still hanging
Gala- about half still hanging
Golden Hornet- tree was loaded about three quarters of them still on
DropTine- half still on
30-06-maybe 1/4 still on

Hazelnuts still holding about 1/4 of their nuts
B6D6B0D2-1F32-4169-B3B6-3074AA44FDFF.jpegWife and I were heading to a football party at friends house in country and at a stop sign I see this awesome looking tree with good size yellow apples with red blush still loaded!
I will be stopping and asking for scion this winter…gotta have some of whatever this one is.
I would be interested in a couple scion from that one that’s impressive.
Still at 42
Made it to camp today, as of 12/4/21: Percent still hanging
Approx. 10% or less - Liberty, Wickson, Florina, Suncrisp
40% - Wolf River, Enterprise
50% - Sundance, Kerr
close to 100% - Goldrush, Golden Hornet