Milo question

Remember that the numbers in the mix represent the percentage of actual N-P or K contained in the bag. So.....100# of 46-0-0 (2 - 50# bags) would only be 46# of actual N.

In order to apply 100# of actual N using 46-0-0 you would need to apply 217.4# of Urea - 46-0-0.

100 divided by .46 = 217.39


Milo likes some sulfur and calcium as well. Depending on your soil fertility you can always add calcium sulfate (gypsum), very cheap.. $6 or so a bag.
I didn't know that about red and white Milo. Interesting.

Migrating birds will wipe out white Milo fairly quickly.. Even before it ripens.

Red Milo gets left alone until later in season. Turkeys love it as well.
I have experience in growing Milo.
Well, to be is one season of experience. Last seaon, 2022.

This what I saw on my deer-dirt in central Michigan....almost on the 43th parallel.

I planted both seed milo (or seed sorghum, the term is often interchangeable, but not always)....and WGF sorghum (Wild Game Food).

I planted both right around mid-May with 200lbs of 46-0-0 on an acre. I was very very pleased with the growth and the heavy seed head (on the grain sorghum, not so much the WGF).

And then in early September the deer, fox squirrels, turkeys, and birds discovered those grain heads. It was all gone in about two weeks. (but I got a freezer full of squirrels, and one Tom).

So, with that experience what I'm gonna do in 2023 is again plant the grain sorghum at the same time with the same urea amount, but when the critters have stripped the grain I will broadcast rye into it and then lightly disc it all down ......and see how that works out.

Now, as far as the WGF....the stuff shown in the link to the Hancock site (in fact, I bought my 50lb bag from Hancock's. Just drove over and picked it up when I wintered last season near Tampa.) I won't do WGF again. The heads just didn't fill out well with seed. Some seed, oh sure, but nothing like the 'grain' sorghum. So, as happy as I was with the milo, I'll just do that again and see if I learn more stuff about it.
ps....I have no idea if my milo was 'red' or 'white'.
I bought it from Welters, and they din't specify.
In fact, just got my 2023 catalog from Welters and they have 50# for $25. (I think it was $24 last year).
Milo is touchy about being planted too thick.Usually fertilized with 18-46.Everything in the woods eats it and then will bed in it and makes great food if you can plant quite a bit.