Michigan Youth - 1st Bow Kill and 1st Buck


5 year old buck +
My 9 year old arrowed his 1st buck and 1st deer with a bow last week :) He put in a lot of time and hard work getting really good with the bow this summer. We have been hitting it pretty hard since Oct. 1 and everything came together on our last bow hunt before Mamma and one of his younger brothers got to start gun hunting on the 15th.

This 7 point came out around 10 AM, eating out of range at about 50+ yards. A spike soon followed, also eating out of reach. The spike started towards us but stayed just out of our range at about 30 yards. Then this guy came in right at our 20 yard zone. He quartered slightly towards us in his last couple steps but my son put the arrow about 1/2" into his heart. He ran maybe 50 yards :)

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Perfect shot, great buck. Nice work-
that is awesome! congrats to young feller!
That is a trophy he will remember for the rest of his life, and great shot placement for a young hunter
Great buck, nice pictures, and well done Dad. That is one of the "proud dad moments" you will remember forever!

Great job by the young man, Congrats! Looks like good shot placement for sure!
Outstanding! Great pictures, and a great deer. Congrats to you and your son.
Awesome! Congrats to the young man!
Congrats to your son! Really nice pics
Big congrats to him!
Great buck, nice pictures, and well done Dad. That is one of the "proud dad moments" you will remember forever!


I will 2nd that exactly! Nice job!
Absolutely awesome!!!
That smile say's it all. Congrats
Another young hunter enters the " brotherhood " !!! Way to go, young man !!! Great shot and real nice deer. I'll say the same as 2 others did - proud Dad moment. Congrats all around!
Thanks a bunch everyone! Just thrilled that he had the opportunity after a long season and countless hours practicing. Very fulfilling and thankful to say the least.
he smoked him!!!!! Could not have had a better shot!! That is awesome!!! Keep laying em down just like that!!! Take out some does while you are at it too!!!
he smoked him!!!!! Could not have had a better shot!! That is awesome!!! Keep laying em down just like that!!! Take out some does while you are at it too!!!

Thank you :) With the Mentored Youth program, they only get a single, any sex, deer tag per year (which will likely change for next year). So he is tagged out... This is his 3rd year being able to hunt though, and he took a doe in each of his previous 2 years :) So he kind of did an, earn a buck program ;)