Math is hard...41% GLY

I use that exact product and I got it at Menards. I use 2 oz per gallon in a 4 gallon back pack sprayer and it kills everything DEAD. Including young RCG.


Are you using AMS or anything besides water?
Are you using AMS or anything besides water?
Nope I just use the Compare and Save Glysophate 41% and have for 5 years. I use a lot less then when I first started becasue I plant so much Rye. All of my food plots (three 1 acre plots) get 50 lbs of rye in late August and I leave them to seed out in late July. Then I plant my brassicas or mow it if it's a clover plot. Winter Rye helps a lot with weeds. Bare dirt is your enemy.

Nope I just use the Compare and Save Glysophate 41% and have for 5 years. I use a lot less then when I first started becasue I plant so much Rye. All of my food plots (three 1 acre plots) get 50 lbs of rye in late August and I leave them to seed out in late July. Then I plant my brassicas or mow it if it's a clover plot. Winter Rye helps a lot with weeds. Bare dirt is your enemy.


Thanks Chuck, that's good to hear. I love Rye as well but this will be my first time spraying herbicide on my plots. It's definitely time.
I have never used the liquid only the granule. It says water soluble on the bag versus sprayer grade.

That makes sense, thanks again!
Is this the water soluble AMS that can cause issues?


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As a point of reference, have never used AMS or a suffacant in last 20 plus years of using GLY. Everything I have sprayed has been nuked. Some larger grasses like reed canary can take several sprayings due to their extensive root systems.

Only recently used a suffacant on some wild onions as it was recommended. I have read good things about it so will probably use going forward.